Chapter Two

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Niamh is standing in line at the Women's Correctional Centre. Finally, it's her turn to walk through the metal detector. She takes everything out of her pocket and places them in the box alongside her jacket. She walks through the metal detector. Once she's through, she stands with her arms out and her legs spread apart and her arms out. The guard waves the wand over her.

'You're clear.' The guard nods. Niamh puts her jacket back on and puts everything back into her pockets. 'What's your name?'

'Niamh Corrigan.' Niamh replies. The guard writes down her name on an ID badge.

'Who are you here to see?' The guard asks.

'Karen Street.' Niamh says. The guard hands over the badge and she sticks it to her top.

'If you wait in this line,' the guard points to another line, 'you'll be taken in, in just a few moments.' 

'Thank you.' Niamh nods. She joins the line and five minutes later, a guard opens the door to the visitation room and everyone files in. Niamh spots Karen sitting at a table. She smiles and walks over to her, as she does, Karen stands up.  'Hi, mom.' Niamh grins as she reaches Karen and hugs her.

'Hi, sweetie.' They both sit down at the table. 'How are you?' 

'Good.' Niamh nods. 'I met Jim.'

'How?' Karen asks, confused.

'One of my friends is suspected of home invasion. S.W.A.T are investigating and he was one of the officers that spoke to me about it.' Niamh tells her. 'Does he know about me?'

'He's doesn't want to see me or talk to me.' Karen shakes her head. 'I've never found the right time to tell him. I understand if you're angry, but-'

'Mom,' Niamh cuts her off, 'I'm not mad,' she adds, 'I understand why you haven't told him.'

'You're really not mad?' Karen questions and Niamh shakes her head.

'I mean, I only found out about you six months ago.' Niamh states. 'I know that there's a chance that he'll find out because of this case. My birth certificate is in my CPS file which they've been given. When they see your name, they're going to look into it. What do I do if they come to me about it?'

'You tell the truth.' Karen responds. 'Don't lie about it. They'll probably come to me first.' She adds. 'Now, does your social worker know about you coming here?' 

'No.' Niamh shakes her head.

'Niamh,' Karen raises an eyebrow, 'you could get into some serious trouble. I don't have any rights to you. They'll see this as coercion, they'll think I tracked you down. Not the other way around. If they find out, you won't be able to see me without someone with you; that's if they let me you at all.' Niamh looks down. 'I know that you just want to get to know me better and I want to get to know you better too, but you need to be careful.'

'Okay.' Niamh nods as she looks back up.

'How's your songwriting going?' Karen asks after a few moments of silence. 

'Good.' Niamh replies. 'I've written a few songs since I last saw you. I've been channelling pretty everything into my songs.'

'Has it helped?' Karev queries. 

'Yeah.' Niamh nods. 'I haven't had an "episode" in a couple of months.'

'That's great!' Karen grins.

'But I have been seeing my therapist twice a week,' Niamh says, 'and my medication has been upped  so that's probably why.' 

'It's still good that you haven't had an episode in a while.' Karen assures her. Niamh looks around the room and then back at her mom. 

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