Chapter Fourteen

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'I've spoken to her psychiatrist and they've agreed to put her on a 72 hour hold to start her back on some medication and to help her sleep.' Charlie says.

'She's not going to like that.' William laughs nervously as he rubs an eyebrow.

'It's what's best for her.' Charlie shrugs. 'If her psychiatrist thinks she needs more time, she'll be admitted to a facility'

'She'll hate you if that happens.' William says. 'You know her history with psychiatric facilities.'

'What history.' Jim asks confused.

'Niamh doesn't cope well being cooped up. The last time she has to stay at a facility she refused medication that many times that they used physical force. The time before that, they ignored her request for female staff only to deal with her and the time before that, the Shaws found a way to get to her through another patient.' William explains. 'The list goes on.' What they don't realise is that Niamh has been listening in on the conversation from the doorway of her room. She turns back into the room, walks over to the window, opens it and climbs out.

'She needs this.' Charlie states. 'I better go and break the news to her.' Charlie walks to Niamh's room but returns only a minute later. 'She's gone.'

'What?!' Jim and William exclaim at the same time.

'She's not in there but the window is open.' Charlie clarifies. 'Nothing's gone so she hasn't run away. She must've heard us talking.'

'You think?' William laughs sarcastically. 'I think I know where she's gone.'

'Where?' Jim questions.

'The seafront.' William responds. 'It's one of her go to spots when she gets spooked. The other places are a library or mine, but obviously, libraries are closed and I'm here.'

'Doesn't she have a key to your place?' Charlie queries.

'Yeah.' William nods. 'But I don't think she's gone there.'

'How about we check the seafront first, if she's not there or we can't find her, then we'll check your apartment.' Jim suggests, finishing by looking at William who nods.

'Let's go.' Charlie nods.


When Jim, Charlie and William arrive at the seafront, they park the car, get out and start walking. Eventually, they see Niamh sat on one of the benches. They stop walking.

'Do you mind if I talk to her?' Jim asks Charlie.

'Go for it.' Charlie nods. He hangs back with William whilst Jim walks over to Niamh. He sits beside her.

'I know I shouldn't have just left.' Niamh states before Jim can speak. 'I overhead you talking to Will and Charlie and got spooked.'

'I can understand you not wanting to go back to a psychiatric unit but-' Jim starts.

'It's what's best for me.' Niamh finishes, sighing. 'I know.' She adds. 'I just needed to clear my head and mentally prepare before I go back to one.'

'You worried me a little.' Jim admits.

'Sorry.' Niamh looks down to the ground and after a moment looks back up. 'I guess I don't know how to do this family thing.' She adds with a little laugh.

'It's okay.' Jim puts his arm around her and brings her in for a hug. She rests her head on his shoulder. 'It will get easier.'

'I hope so.' Niamh sighs. 'I really don't want to screw this up.'

'You won't.' Jim reassures her. 'I promise.' Niamh lifts her head and looks back. She see Charlie and William stood together looking at her.

'I suppose we better go.' Niamh looks back at Jim. 'There's no putting this off.'

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