Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sat on the bench, spacing out when I heard Hanma spoke beside me.

"Cigarette?" He said offering me a cigarette.

"No, It makes your breath stink" He mimicked

I pulled the cigarette, putting it between my lips. I put my hand out, waiting for him to hand me a lighter, which he gave me. I light the cigarette and sucked it, then I blew it out.

"Changed your mind huh? Your breath's gonna stink" He sarcastically said, I just snickered, taking another sip, the blowing it out.

"Something on your mind?" He asked, but I just stayed silent and continued on sipping the cigarette.

I put it between my index and middle finger, exhaling the smoke.

"What time is it Hanma?" I asked

"It's already 6 p.m" He answered then I stood up, dropping the cigarette, stepping on it, then after that I threw it on the bin.

"I have to go" I said walking out of the park.

Third Person's P.O.V

A person stood up at the shrine where the Tokyo Manji Gang was having their meeting.

The person was wearing a black hood paired with black jeans, wearing a black shoes, the hood was up so the person's face wasn't seen.

It ran to where Mikey was but the members where blocking the way.

It kicked them and punched them, 1 person vs all of Toman's members.

A few minutes of fighting all of the members were beaten up, then the person launched to where Mikey was, kicking and punching him, but Mikey countered all of it's moves, the person high kicked Mikey to his head but then Mikey shield his self with his elbow, then the person let their feet down quickly kicking Mikey on the stomach. After that the person jumped at Mikey, sitting on top of Mikey.

Then the person grabbed a knife, lifting it up their head, about to stab him when

"(Y/n)?" Mikey muttered staring at the person.

She freezed then her hand shaked, her grip on the knife tightened.

"What are you doing?" Mikey asked, but then she only stayed silent, her heart started to beat like crazy, she started to pant.

Tears rolling down her face, falling down on Mikey's face.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Mikey asked reach his hand out to her cheeks. She gritted her teeth, slapping his hand away.

"Shut up! I'm... I'm going to kill you!" She yelled, raising the knife up to her head about to stab Mikey at the head when she stopped midways.

"B-but I can't" She said tears falling down her face.

"I can't do it" Her hands falling to her side.

"I just want to protect everyone" She mumbled.

"But If I kill you" She paused crying

" Baji-san and Baka-mitchi would be mad" Tears fell down her face.

"(Y/n) tell me what happened? I might help you" Mikey said, seriously looking at (Y/n)

"No one can help me Mikey! No one can" She said now standing up, she wiped her tears. Then she took off her hood.

Everyone gasped when they saw her face.

"(Y/n)?" Draken muttered and everyone stared at her as she walked down the stairs

"(Y/n)!" Takemichi called, then she turned to everyone.

"Starting today, White Tiger and Tokyo Manji Gang are enemies" she declared  then she walked away.

'Enemies?' Takemichi gulped looking at her figure.

Mikey was still on the ground, remembering (Y/n) crying. He clenched his fist then gazed at the sky.

'Baji, What should I do' He thoughts. Seeing her cry, hurts him.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"You're still a failure" Yohiko said slapping me, but I was too emotionless to react. I couldn't feel pain. All I felt was guilt. Guilt of almost killing Mikey.

"Hiro, give me the strongest belt you have" He said motion Hiro to lend him a belt.

"You can't-" Hiro was cut off when Yohiko glared at him

"Want to take her punishment then?" Yohiko said.

"Then-" I cut Hiro off.

"Hiro... Don't get in the way" I said emotionlessly

He hesitates, but then he gave him a belt.

Yohiko stretched the belt then the two men grabbed my hand making me stand up, putting a cuff on my hands locking it above my head.

Yohiko started to hit me with the belt but I couldn't feel anything anymore, I was numb.

Takemichi's P.O.V

"Mikey-kun, I'm going to-" I was cut off when Mikey spoke.

"Takemitchy, We're gonna help you" He says Draken beside him with Mitsuya, and the other captains, nodded

"I don't know what happened but I just wanna help her" Mikey said.

"Thank you Mikey-kun" I said.

The next Morning I was walking on the streets then I decided to go the park and sit on the swing, and think what i'm going to do.

While I was sitting a kid spoke.

"Are you Baka-mitchi?" A little girl asked I turned to her and she had a little resemblance of (Y/n)

"Who are you?" I asked then she smiled a bit.

"I'm Yuki (L/n)" she introduced, she's the kid (Y/n) mentioned in the future before she died

"How is (Y/n)?" I asked worriedly

"Nee-chan's not well, She's being punished by Yohiko-kun" She replied tears on her eyes.

"Nee-chan and I aren't close, because Nee-chan always push me away but Nee-chan protects me when father punishes me" She said finally crying. I pat her back then she turned to me.

"Please save Nee-chan" she begged.

"Yes, I'm going to save her" I replied, I'm going to save all of you.

Fast forward

We already planned that we'll save (Y/n) now, so now we stood in front of their house.

The door opened revealing Yohiko.

"If it isn't Toman! What'd ya want?!" He grinned staring at us.

"We want (Y/n) to be free" Mikey said, he just snickered then snapped his fingers.

Two men brought (Y/n) out.

I gasped as I looked at her, she was full of bruises and some part of her body was bleeding.

"She do what I ask her to, just like a weapon does" Yohiko said

"(Y/n) eliminate them" Yohiko ordered then (Y/n) sprinted towards us. Her eyes was lifeless and dull.

"Once she turns crazy, she won't even know who are what she's killing anymore" I remembered what Hiro-kun said.

This is bad, what should I do.

"M-Monster" I remembered what I did in the past, No! I'm not going to call her that. Because she's just a little girl inside, suffering all alone.

I have to save her.

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