Chapter 38

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

(This chapter contains violence)

Third Person's P.O.V

"What's with this two guys?" Mr. (L/n) looks at the two figure that was beside Mr. Han

"Shinra sent these two to be your body guard" Mr. Han says making Mr. (L/n) raised a brow

"Why would I need a body guard?" He asked as he walked pass Mr. Han

"Shinra loved you so much that he wanted me to get a bodyguard" Mr. Han says making the man snicker

"I can protect myself" He says as he walked towards the car

The door opened making (Y/n) clench the knife that she was holding as she coldly stare at the door that flung open she was about attack when

"Baka-mitchi" her eyes widened as she stopped in her place

"What are you doing here?" She sneered as she coldly gazed at Takemichi with Chifuyu behind him.

"We're here to stop you" Takemichi says as he blocked the door, making the girl in front of him smirk

"Are you sure about that?" She grins as she pointed the knife at Takemichi

"Takemichi you still have the chance to get out of my way" She looked at him with a cold gaze

"I'll give you 5 seconds to go"


"(Y/n)-chan listen to me, you'll regret this!" Takemichi yells


"I just want to save you!"

"Don't listen to Kisaki!"


"Don't do this!"



"Time's up" a vein popped in her forehead as she stare at Takemichi with hard ad cold gaze as he kicked Takemichi on the stomach making him fly out of the house with Chifuyu on his back

Outside the house was a hundred members of the White Tiger prepared to fight

Takemichi coughed as he slowly stood up and Chifuyu grunted as he got up

"Partner!" He yells when Takemichi was kicked again by (Y/n)

"Baka-mitchi!" Shinra yells as he ran to Takemichi's side

"You even had to call an army of White Tiger" (Y/n) clicked her tongue as she coldly stare at the White Tiger

"But this isn't going to stop me" She smirked as she puts the knife at her side then she cracked her knuckles, massaging her neck.

"I'm going to beat all of them into a pulp" She grins as she started to launch

"Ohh aren't you (Y/n)'s little sister?" Mikey asked as Yuki smiled

"Yes" she hummed

"What brought you here?" Mikey asked

"Well Takemitchy said that he wants to leave Yuki here for a while" Emma says as she holds a spatula

"Why? Where's that Dorayaki thief sister of yours?" Mikey asked then the little girl looked down

"Nee-chan's been acting kinda strange lately last night I heard her yelling then I heard a glass shattering inside her room but when I knocked"

"Oh Yuki what is it?"

"She acted like nothing happened and she even told me"

"You're just hearing things"

"I'm kinda worried about her honestly" Yuki sighed

"But she's at the house I hope she's okay, Baka-mitchi and Chifuyu-kun are visiting her right now but I have this feeling that something's wrong" Yuki says as she clutched her chest

"I hope everything is going well" She sighed

"Is this all?!!" (Y/n) yells as she laughs sinisterly Takemichi dashes at (Y/n) hugging her trying to stop her but she just sneered as she elbowed Takemichi's back when Takemichi was weakened she kicked him making him flew to the side, he groaned as he sat up as he trembled staring at (Y/n)

"Ever since we were kids you were always a weak shit you were a pathetic crybaby crying everytime you get hurt" She coldly spat

"I'm going to help you, No one understands you (Y/n) but I do, I know how it feels to be betrayed, Your own father even hid the person who killed your loved ones, so let me help you"

"No, I refuse to! Takemichi understands me better than you" (Y/n) yells at Kisaki

"You may think Takemichi understands you but he's afraid of you he thinks you're a monster believe me"

"Kisaki was right you are afraid of me" She lowly says as she lowered her head clenching her fist, she was trembling

"And then you're telling me not to believe what Kisaki says!" She lifted her head as she yells as Takemichi

"You're just like them! You're just like Dad! Like everyone! You look at me as a monster and not a person that I am!" She added as she slowly grabbed her knife that was on her side

"Partner!" Chifuyu yells as he ran towards (Y/n) but she just kicked his jaw knocking him out

"Chifuyu!!" Takemichi yells

"Stay out of the way!" She yells at Chifuyu's unconscious body

"(Y/n)-chan this isn't you!" Takemichi yells

"Takemichi I told you didn't I? I'm not that little girl you used to know that little girl who's been gentle and kind.. she's dead!" She yells as she walks towards Takemichi

"You're here to protect Dad aren't you?! Does that mean you know where Yohiko is?!"

"What are you talking about?" Takemichi slowly stood up but then he was blown to the side when (Y/n) side kicked him

He coughed as he clenched his fist

"Where's Mr. Nakamura Sir?" Mr. Han asked while focusing on the road

"Well, he was taken to the White Tiger's hideout" The man answered as he clenched his fist

"Where are the kids?" He asked

"They're at the house excited for your arrival Sir" Mr. Han smiles

"Takemichi you shouldn't have came here, coming here was a big mistake" She says as she stepped on Takemichi, kicking him away

"A mistake that you'll regret forever" She kneeled beside Takemichi raising her knife above her head about to stab Takemichi

But someone wrapped their hand on her wrist tightly stopping her from her actions

"What are you doing?"


Author's Note

Hey Guys! How was your day?? Did you like this chapter?? Well I hope you like it I really tried my best but on the next chapter I'll try my best more!!

But anyways I hope you're fine and I hope you're having a great day, and Take care of yourself as always💖💖

And don't stay up! (Well I should apply it to myself too) but yeah! Don't stay up it's bad for the health💖💖

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