Chapter 55

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

My phone rang as I reluctantly answered the call

"(Y/n)-chan Emma-chan is... Dead" I stood in my place as I froze.

"Ah, I see" I ended the call as the phone slip out of my grasp as it landed on the floor with a loud thud.

We were just talking last night how could all of this happen??

I'm sorry if I can't come to you right now Emma-chan, I want to but I have to make things right first and then I'll.

I'll definitely go to you.

I clenched my fist as I went out of my room, I saw Shinra passing by not even taking a glance at me.

"Shinra" I called, he stopped in his track as he turned to me but his eyes were averted somewhere his brows were furrowed angrily.

"What?" He asked with a bit of irritation in his tone.

I crouched down as I pull him in for a hug, I could feel his body tense as he gasp silently

"What are you doing?!"

"Shinra, I want you to be brave enough to carry this family, Don't follow our footsteps, Don't follow my footsteps.. I want you to protect this family and lead it, without scaring anyone" I gently broke out from the hug as he stares at me, puzzled at what I just said, I just grinned and I ruffle his hair.

"Be kind and learn to forgive" I said as I stood up

"Go to sleep it's late" I turn my back as I fixed my jacket heading out of the house.

I drove to where Tenjiku held their fight, as I squeeze the clutch driving fast.

When I arrived I heard gunshots as I jump out of my bike then I walk inside the scene.

I saw Kakucho and Izana on the ground lying.

"Was I late?" I muttered walking towards them as I heard a few gasp from the crowd.

I crouched down next to Izana who was stilly faintly breathing.

"Funny that I get to catch the thief who stole my pendant, lying here with pool of his own blood" I smiled as I stare at his face, He look at me as he let out a chuckle

"Here's your... Pendant" He reached his hand out as he puts it inside my palm, then he smiled as his hand fell as his body turned limp and cold, his eyes was open as he look at the night sky.

I let out a chuckle, as I put it back inside his palm then I put his hand on top of his chest.

"You can keep it" I stood up as I turn to where I saw Yohiko was.

"Yohiko" I side eyed him while he just had a smirk on his face, he was provoking me. But I couldn't feel anything.

Mikey was announcing something but I couldn't care anymore, Takemitchi and Draken chased after Kisaki and Hanma.

I just walked towards Yohiko then he let a knife out as he pointed at me

"If you take another step I'm going to kill you!" He threatened but I didn't listen to him, I stepped forward

"(Y/N)!! DIDN'T YOU HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID?!" I heard Mikey yelling behind me but I didn't mind him.

I came here for Yohiko not for them, I couldn't give damn about anything all I want is to stop everything.

"Take another step! I'm gonna kill you!" Yohiko yelled but I didn't listen as I took one final step, pulling him towards me as the knife thrust into my stomach as I hug Yohiko

"What the fuck!" He push me away as I fell down the ground, coughing hard.

It was cold because of the snow.

"(Y/n)!!" I could hear Mikey yelling but I just laugh.

"Yohiko" I weakly called "Remember that time when you told me how cruel fate has been to you? That time when you told me your stories?" I asked, it was silent but I know he was there

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were suffering too" Tears rolled down the side of my temple as I sob

"I was so blinded by revenge that I didn't know you were also suffering" I sob as I cough a warm liquid was coming out of my mouth.


As I went inside the room playing the cassette, I saw my brother on the screen.

"(Y/n)-chan, by the time you saw this I'm dead already so I just want to leave this message for you"

"Yohiko isn't our enemy it's his parents they're the one's behind this and Yohiko is just obeying them, He did kill Mom which was unforgivable but we both know that's not what he is right? And you of all should know him better, and I believe that you can solve this matter on your own because you're my smart sister

End of Flashback

"I admit I was mad but now I feel sad for you" I smiled then I could feel someone lifting my making me lie down their lap.

"I can't feel anything now, I feel numb I'm tired" I weakly muttered and I could hear footsteps.


"Mikey?" My vision was getting blurry

"You're so loud, keep it down" I smiled as I close my eyes

"(Y/n)-chan! The ambulance are gonna be here soon" I could hear Hina's worried voice.

My eyes were getting drowsy and I wanted to sleep so bad

"Yohiko, do the right thing" I muttered then I close my eyes

"I wanted to protect everyone I love badly. Mikey tell Takemitchi to take care of his self and Tell Shinra how much I love all of them" I smiled then I could hear Hina sniffling beside me

"You tell him yourself" Mikey says then I shook my head weakly.

"I can't do it" I sobbed "If I don't make it"

"You're gonna make it! The ambulance are on their way and—"

"Mikey, I'm finally gonna rest right?" I asked as I turn to where he was, my vision was getting hazy.

"I can finally sleep right?" I asked again then he squeezed my hand.

"I'll just take a little break" I smiled and suddenly everything around me turned black.

This was finally it, I'm finally going to rest with Emma-chan, Izana and Kakucho and the others.


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