chp. 41

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"And so the adventure begins"

-January 28th, 2018-
-Davids bridal-

Alyssa's pov:

Alyssa, baby dress shopping time!

Bri said to me and smiled. She was so exited for me to get married to her best friend. It was exactly two months until the wedding. And I couldn't be more nervous. So many people at one event for a whole night.

I looked at my little entourage. Which it consisted of. Jasmine Cephas Jones, Brianna Mercado, Samatha Jasperson, Elizabeth Salinas, Jons mom, Julie Wilder, Carleigh Bettiol, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Wilder Rua, Anthony Ramos, and Lexi Lawson,

Aveire couldn't be here because she was at a show in London. She's supposed to be my maid of honor, but she told me she might be able to make it.

And my parents weren't here, well because they didn't support me in this. They didn't like the idea of me marrying Jon at all. Apparently he wasn't a good guy. Alex was better in my moms words.

Jons dad wasn't here but, he should be at the wedding. According to Jon. He was nervous for his mom and dad to be in the same room after the divorced. But I assured him it was going to be ok. I would make sure that everything went right.

I didn't want him to have to worry on his own wedding day. That was never a good idea. Or a good plan. We had been to one wedding since we got together. One of my high school friends. Jon told me he knew there that he wanted to marry me. I was a bridesmaid for her. And he loved seeing me stand up there near the alter.

Alyssa, no estás sangrando, ¿verdad?
(Alyssa you aren't bleeding right?)

Julie asked me. Mom, me, Anthony, and Wilder all stopped and looked at her. Being the only ones to really understanding her. As far as I knew no one else understood Spanish.

Todavía no he tenido mi período, me he retrasado Julie
(I haven't had my period yet, Im late Julie)

She gasped and so did mom. Anthony and Wilder froze. I rolled my eyes knowing what they were going to bring up.

¿Eres tú...?
(Are you?)


I shut it down immediately. I couldn't be. Jon and I weren't even married yet. And I knew my parents would kill me even more. Thayne would kill him. His mom would probably be very happy to get a grandchild.

Fine fine

Julie said and rolled her eyes. I wanted to shut down any thought that I could possibility but pregnant. Jon and I were safe... for the most part. There was some instances where we had scares, but nothing more.

Bri come here

I asked and attached to her side.

I missed my period this month...

She looked at me.

And I'm off birth control, and before you ask, Jon does know

I said.

Is there the possibility that you're...?

I looked down.

I wanna try and shut it down so maybe it won't happen, Jon and I aren't even married yet!

I said. I was scared. I wanted kids with Jon. There was no doubt in my mind. But not before we were married.

Alyssa baby, next month we gonna take a test and see ok? Lets see if you get your period late just this month

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