chp. 42

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"I put all fear aside as I prepare for the birth of my baby"

-February 16, 2018-
-1 month till the wedding-

Alyssa's pov:
I didn't get my period like Bri and I had hoped for. So we carried out the deal we made.

Don't worry Alyssa baby you're gonna be ok

Bri assured me as we picked up a pregnancy test.

Here goes nothing right?

I said as we paid.

You guys will be good parents

She said and we left. Getting back to the apartment. Jon was out doing work. More or likely for Spongebob. I went to the bathroom and took the test.

5 minutes

Bri told me and pulled me to sit on the couch. I nodded, excitement and nerves ruining through my body. Bri held my hand and tried to help keep me calm. I was just nervous about Jons response to me being pregnant. Would he be excited? Happy? Upset? Disappointed? So many ideas of how he would react ran through my head.

We had talked about kids after we got engaged. But since then we both had been focusing on work. Making sure we could stay afloat in the place we were in. New York wasn't cheap. So Jon made sure we both had steady incomes. We each paid rent. So it came out of both of our checks.

Has it been 5 minutes?

I asked Bri, she was keeping the time.

2 minutes left

I nodded and closed my eyes.

Oh, and ma how is she gonna feel? It was before the wedding. But she had been pushing for kids after we got engaged. I grabbed my phone and called her.

Alyssa, son las once de la tarde
(Alyssa it's eleven in the afternoon)

Ma said and I could hear she wasn't feeling good.

Ma creo que estoy embarazada
(Ma I think I'm pregnant)

I said and she went quiet.

Alyssa Riley Jasperson Rua!

She said. I felt instant fear fill my body. Ma never used my full name.


I said. I was nervous as actual fuck.

¿Jon lo sabe?
(does Jon know?)

She asked me. Question clear in her voice.

Ma, ni siquiera lo sé todavía
(Ma I don't even know yet)

I told her as the timer went off. Bri nodded and I said bye to Ma. We walked into the bathroom and I started to hyperventilate.

Breath baby ok?

Bri told me. I nodded in agreement. I took a breath and grabbed the stick. I looked down and gasped.

I was pregnant...

I dropped the stick and fell on my knees.


Bri shouted and got down beside me. I couldn't even think or form coherent sentences. Bri grabbed the stick and gasped.

I-I'm pregnant Brianna...

I said and covered my face.

And that's the amazing thing baby, it's Jons

She whispered and kissed the side of my head. I mean she was right. It was his. But I knew we didn't want it before the wedding.

B-but we aren't even married

I murmured.

It was bound to happen with the way that you two are

She said and rolled her eyes.

Oh shut up

I said and blushed. I stood up and showed her out.

My heart was racing like a racehorse. It was true, I was pregnant. Thayne was gonna have Jons head on a stick if he finds out.

Jon's pov:
I opened the door to the apartment and saw Alyssa on the couch with her hands on her stomach. My first thought went to her period.

Hey Angel

I whispered as I walked over to her. She flinched but soon looked up at me.

My heart broke when I looked into her eyes. I could tell there was worry and nervousness.

Come here kiddo

I whispered to her and sat down next to her. She crawled over and cuddled into my side. I kissed the top of her head and sighed.

What's up...?

I heard Alyssa whisper to me. How do I tell her that I'm worried about her.

Just worried about my Angel

I told her. She froze and looked away. I knew she never liked me being worried about her. She felt like she didn't deserve it.

Princesa, Im always gonna worry about you okay?

I whispered to her.

C-can we talk?

She asked me.

Of course princesa!

I smiled up at her.

I think I know who's walking me down the isle...

I grabbed onto her hips and held her still. She was shifting which was a clear sign she was worried and nervous.

I think Ima ask Thayne to do it...

She mumbled quickly to me. I smirked and coked my head.

Look at you being a big girl! You made a decision Im so proud of you!!

I said and her face flushed red. With that I chuckled and started cuddling her. Making sure that she felt safe in my arms.

word count- 842
a/n look hella short ik, but next chapter is be WEDDING

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