Thunderstom - Ragnar Lothbrok

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Pairing: Ragnar Lothbrok x reader

Summary: just the reader enjoying a thunderstom

A/N: I wrote this a loong time ago and forgot to post here 


Ragnar had came back from of one his travels for King Horik just in time. Both of you sitting on the thrones, getting warm by the fire lighted up in the middle of the room and the furs that covered your bodies. The only sound being heard was the water dropping outside and Thor beating his hammer merciless.

You got up from your place and walked to the front door, opening it enough to see outside. The streets were empty, most of the people were inside their cabins, looking for warm.

"What are you doing?" Ragnar asked when the small opening on the door became bigger, enough for a person to pass.

You stopped in your tracks, walking back to him with a childish smile on your face.

"There is only one way to find out, husband" you extended your hand to him, pulling him towards the exit as soon as he held your hand.

Before he could notice, you were standing abroad. The rain drops didn't take a long time to make your bodies and clothes soaking wet.

A sigh left your lips when the cold breeze hit you, ignoring the shivers sent down your spine. Mentally, you thanked Thor for his temper.

"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?" Ragnar asked, taking a deep breath. The man had already gave up to try and understand you. You were like a mystery, unpredictable.

"Don't tell me that the great Ragnar Lothbrok is afraid of water" you provoked.

You walked until the docks, sitting on the end of the pier, knowing that he would be right behind you.

"Do you think you will miss our lands?" Your voice was almost muffled by the loud thunder and you turned to face Ragnar, who was right beside you now. "Or at least... me?"

If he could be honest, the thought has never crossed his mind. Valhalla was a place that he dreamed since childhood. Dinner with the mighty Gods, tons of battles and great warrios to fight everyday. The perfect Viking world. But part of him couldn't contain his thirsty for adventure, the feeling of navigating in unknown seas, discover new lands, he wouldn't be able to do that there.

"I think that we will find it out togheter, in the future" he shrugs his shoulders, pulling the furs tighter on his body. "By the Gods woman, you will make me freeze"

"You know that Hel is waiting me, Ragnar. I'm not a shieldmaiden or have I done magnificent things"

"You will bare my children, isn't that great enough?" His hand landed on belly, caressing it softly. He couldn't wait to see it growing with his child. "I had a dream.. with you"

The man throw you over his shoulder once the both of you stand up, earning a squeal from you while he said something about trying magnificent things already, heading back to the warm of your bed and furs.

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