He's Gone | Bjorn Ironside & Ragnar Lothbrok

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The horn in your hand almost fell to the ground, the blood in your body running could with the whispers your heard from the thralls.

"What did you say?" your voice sounded colder than you meant as your eyes looked at the young woman. She gulped, mumbling an apologize that only made you insist. You didn't care about gossip, but it has been years since your heard that name among the people.

"There is a crowd outside, they say the king has returned." she only got her eyes up from the floor when she heard the sound of the chair falling on the floor, following by you walking fast to outside the hunt.

Pushing people away, you made your way trough he crowd, almost losing your breath when your eyes found him. Standing in front of you was Ragnar Lothbrok, but not the same man you once loved. It's an empty shallow, without the ambitious or the joy for adventure you could see every time you spoke to him, now filled with regrets.

For a moment there was nothing but silence, not even whispers or murmurs from the others and that's when you noticed the sword craved on the floor, his gaze relaxing when his hands wrapped Ubbe in a hug. Finally, his eyes fell on you and something flickered on it, disappearing as fast as it appeared, shifting your gaze to something behind you, or better, your husband.

"Why did you come back?" his eyes showed no emotion, a coldness that you've never seen on him as he stopped in front of Ragnar, arms crossed over his chest.

"So he came back because he wants to raid England.. again?" you sat on your bed, brushing your hair while Björn got rid of his clothes.

You couldn't understand. Those eyes weren't from a ambitious man, someone who wanted an adventure.

"No one wants to follow him, saying that the Gods had abandoned Ragnar a long time ago." he sat by your side, putting your hairbrush away before gently turn your head to him, his lips meeting yours softly at first.

Björn laid you on the bed, hovering his well built body over your as his hands traveled freely on your body, his lips eagerly meeting your sometimes.

"Let's no talk about my father, huh" he whispered against your lips, eyes almost black with lust as his hand found a spot between your tights, making you gasp. "We have more important things to do now".

Bjorn knew that you used to be interested in his father, but it was before he married you. And now, the last thing he wanted to do was bring his father's name to his bed or his mind, much less to yours.

That night, Bjorn made sure to mark you with small purple bruises on the soft skin. A sign that you belonged to him now, him and no one else.

Bjorn was in the Great hall, busy with the last preparations for the raid to the Mediterranean while you were home, making sure everything was properly packed from weapons to clothes. Even though Bjorn went for more raids than you, the man wasn't the most organized to stuff what was really essencial to the longs travels.

Two bags on the corner of the room showed that your work was done, allowing you to rest by the fire, mind lost in presumptions about what the unknown land would look like.

You still could remember the shook when your eyes landed on the very well guarded Frankia. It was beautiful and different from every other land you've seen so far.. but also was the damaged. You shocked your head. This time it would be different. You'd would succeed.

Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't listen to the steps behind you nor notice someone else presence until they stopped in front of you.

"You look beautiful" he said, smiling to himself as his eyes captured every feature of your face, his hand reaching to caress the scar on your cheek.

"I thought you were dead" you whispered, unable to look away from his eyes as you put your hand over his. It has been so long since you felt his touch or were this close to him.

Ragnar stepped closer and you closed your eyes, waiting for his next action. It was like your body wouldn't listen to your mind. Ragnar's beard scratched your face as his lips met the middle of your forehead, landing there for seconds before he pulled away. They foreheads resting against yours.

You didn't know why but felt like the world around you was burning, shattering. A heavy feeling finding its way to your chest and landing there enough to almost make tears stream down your face.

The touch of Ragnar's hand cupping your face made you open your eyes and you were lost again, finally founding a sign of the man you met years ago.

"See you in Valhalla, my love." The man stopped believing in Gods years ago, but he couldn't accept that this was the only chance to have you in his life and he waisted it. For you, he would believe in another place where your spirits would met again and this time, he wouldn't commit the same mistakes.

You noticed when Bjorn and Hvitserk turned away from the breath taking seascape in front of you, starring at something in the open fields.

By the corner of your eyes, a blurred image caught on your attention and you turned around. Eyes wide as two big almonds, your breath scaping as if your lungs were on fire. His words sounded in your mind one more time, voice muffled by the sounds of the crows around him.

"Ragnar.." was all the managed to leave your lips. A whisper that nobody heard but you.

You tried to get closer but once you did, his figure turned around and disappeared into the wounds taking the birds together with him. That same excruciating feeling crept into you and this time, you weren't able to be stronger than your tears.

He was gone.

And so was a part of your heart.

Bjorn hands touched your shoulders, his own wet eyes meeting yours before you buried your face on his chest, holding his body with an iron grip as he did to you. He knew it too.

"My father is dead." He said in your hair as if he was trying to convince himself.

A/N: I know I said the book was finished but I found this on my drafts and thought 'why not?'. Anyway, I hope you like it.

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