A new phase - Bjorn Ironside

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"I knew I'd find you here" you said, dragging his attention from the large village above to you.

Björn watched your moves as you occupied the place next to him, bringing you closer to share his fur and the warm of his body, but he didn't say a word. The man couldn't still believe that he was chosen to be king of that place and all those people, nor how much blood that throned had costed and it wasn't even near to be the end. He now understood the weight his Ragnar carried on his shoulders. The words of both his father and the seer still echoing in his mind.

"What is on your mind, my love?" your hands found the side of his face, turning him to look at you again, as you starred deep into his eyes, searching for an answer that he'd probably try to hide.

"Is any of this real?" his voice sounded like a whisper, so low that could be confused with the sound of the harsh wind on the top of the mountain. His eyes watered, tears threatening to fall at any moment. The power he used to dream when he was younger, was now given to him.

"Well, this sword seems real enough to me." you joke, a childish smile playing on your lips. It doesn't last long though, because the frown on his feature don't disappear. "Your father is proud of the man you became, so is your mother and I."

You rested your head on his broad tensed shoulder, closing your eyes to enjoy the few minutes of peace that was left, ignoring your shaking body.

"You are a good man and will make an even better king." the words helped to easy the tension on his shoulder. That was the moment. You took a deep breath. "I also know that you'll be a good father for our daughter."

His head snapped at you, blue eyes big with surprise and joy as he tried to think of something to say. Maybe he was just dreaming. He took your lips on his in a urged kiss, smiling as his large hand reached to rest on your belly.

Björn already had a good amount of children, but having a child with a woman that he truly loved felt different. Not that he didn't love children, but he was always distant. This time he would correct the mistakes he committed, he would be a good father.

A/N: this something that has been on my draft for months and since I couldn't explore more the story, I decided to just post it. Recently, I learned that is better to post your work (even if you think it sucks) than just deleting it, this way you can see your progress and learn from your mistakes.. and maybe someone out where will enjoy it.

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