Morning Issues - Bjorn Ironside

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Warnings: cursing, funny (kinda?), platonic relationship.

You still didn't know why you kept following Bjorn with his crazy jorneys because in every single one of them, one thing was sure.. you'd end up in some strange situation.

If it weren't for the freezing weather, the older prince would be already sleeping on the floor, against his wishes of course. But it was better to a share a bed with your best friend than with a creepy man.

You throw yourself on the bed, pulling the furs to cover your body, desperate for some rest and warmness as you pretend to ignore the thight tension in the air. It's just a bed and your best friend.

"You're too big" you sighned, trying to push his body, only to almost fall off of the bed. He was practically occupying both sides of the mattress.

Björn turned at you with his brown arched and a cocky smile on his lip. Oh, what've you said?

"Wha.. I.. Fuck! I didn't mean in that way and you know that!" if you could only see how red your cheeks had turned.

"You're just taking all the space and.." before you could finish, his strong arms wrapped themselves around your torso, pulling you closer to his warm and well built body. Well, now you couldn't fall.

"Shut up." was all he said, closing his eyes to get back to his sleep.

Your eyes widened but you didn't moved, whispering Bjorn's name in an attempt to wake the man up but it was useless.

"Björn!" You said louder, using your leg to kick his, finally hearing him grunt.

"What?" he didn't even bother to open his eyes while he made a mental note to never share a bed with you again. Maybe he really should have you sleep with the other warriors.

"What? I should be the one saying that!" you took a deep breath, lowering your voice before daring to shift away from the man "Please, tell me that it's not what I think it's is."

Bjorn opened his eyes, confused for a few seconds until he finally noticed it. Have you really woke him up just because of that?

"It's in the morning" he rolled his eyes while you cursed him. "It's not like you have never seen one before."

"Idiot" you murmured, pushing him away until the sound of his body colliding with the floor was heard.

But you were right, the man was big.

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