Consequences - Ubbe Ragnarsson

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Warnings: angst

The loud thunder of the door closing made you sit up on the bed, reaching for the knife under your pillow, ready to attack the intruder.

"By the Gods, are you trying to get yourself killed?" You breathed, putting the knife back on its place when you saw the long blond braids of your lover.

Ubbe had just came back from the meeting with the King, carrying a frown on his face and a heavy weight on his tensed shoulders. How could Alfred ask such a thing? Would he give up on their God if asked? The man rubbed his neck, glancing up to the ceiling as he took a deep breath. The lands were his father's dream after all, a chance for his people to have a better life.

"What is the matter?" You got up from your place, walking to Ubbe as he seemed too focused on something else to even hear.

The man turned his head to you with wide blue eyes, finally noticing your presence, once you stood a few inches from him.

"How was the meeting?" your hands, that rested on his large shoulders, made their down to the bar of the tunic, pulling it off. "What the king wanted?"

"He'll grant us land" he started once your hands found their way back to his shoulders, squeezing it.

"Well, that's great" you shrugged, clapping your hands together. A line formed between your eyebrows when you heard the low grow that left his lips. "... wasn't that you all wanted? A place to.." you turned your head, trying to look at his face.

"But only if we agree that our gods are false and accept the one they have" he continued, before you could even finish your sentence.

The worlds scapped from your minds while you just starred at him with blank eyes. It would be unfair to turn your back against Odin after everything he and the others Gods had planned to you.

"They want us to be baptized tomorrow" he continued, adjusting himself on the large bed. All Ubbe needed was a good night of sleep, which he probably wouldn't have.
"I.. I can't do this, Ubbe" tears threatened to fall from your eyes when you turned to gazen him, noticing the frown on his face.

You knew that once you refused they deal, your relationship with Ubbe would be affected. How could a christian love a pagan woman? Even though in his heart he'd always be Odin's son, for the eyes of others he'd the son of theirs God.

"What are you saying?" He narrows his eyes, unsure that he had heard you right.

"It may not mean something to you, but it has a deep meaning for them and their God... Once it's done, it can not be undone" you tried to reason with him, to explain yourself.
Maybe you were just trying to convince yourself that it was the right choice.

It did breaks your heart to leave Ubbe on his own with this. All he wanted was the best for his people and make Ragnar's dreams come true.

"Y/N.." his voice was husky and low, trying to warn you about what your decision would affect.

"I.. I'm sorry, Ubbe" you blinked trying to get hide of the tears that threatened to fall and with that, you left.

You left the man you loved behind and the family you dreamed every night before falling asleep.

The Hall semmed longer and narrow with every step you took away from that chamber, maybe it was the heavy feeling in your heart that didn't appear to faded any time soon. If that was the right decision, why it hurts you so much? Why it seemed so wrong?
The door in front of you opened, revealing the blond shieldmaiden with surprise written all over her face.

"Y/N is every.." before she could finish, the tears felt from your eyes, unable to contain them for a second longer.

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