He's gone - Ivart the Boneless

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Warnings: death and angst

Ivar knew better than anyone the pain of the loss. The empty hole that only seemed to grow in your heart.

"It hurts me to see you cry" The king said, sitting by the side of your curled body on the bed but you said nothing.

Earlier, the emissary came to deliver a message, only finding you in the Great Hall, since Ivar was taking care of the plans for the next raid with the others earls. Your beloved stepfather had died on battle. Even though you knew he was probably crossing the gates of Valhalla, you couldn't help the pain that overtook you. You waited until the emissary was out of sight to drawn on tears. The man has been nothing but caring towards you.

"He's gone" you murmured between sobs, face buried in the warm furs.

The young king didn't say anything, laying by your side on the bed before cuddling your small frame, drawing unimaginable figures on your waist.

He also knew that doesn't matter what people say the pain can't just vanish. It had to be felt because that person mattered to you, but later you'd learn how to deal with the feeling of loss.

"I'm right here, wife" he whispered, kissing your hair for a few seconds. ".. right here."
For what felt like hours, you spent the day on bed wrapped by Ivar's strong arms until you fell asleep. Ivar utilized the time to sneak away and take care of the funeral's arrangement, making sure it was worthy of your stepfather's fame.

As the days went by, he made sure to stay by your side as long as he could, also respecting the times you just wanted to be alone.

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