Ocean Talks - Bjorn Ironside

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Warnings: fluff Björn and cursing.

The full moon shone in the sky, trying to avoid the darkness to engulfing the small boat that wandered in the sea, waiting for land. Usually, you wouldn't take long to sleep in the boat, but the thoughts in your mind didn't seem like they'd let you fall asleep any soon. You were running from your lives and this time the Gods didn't seem to favor you but playing with your heads, they still wanted all of you alive.

You turned on your other side, bringing the fur closer to your chin to warm your trembling body. It wasn't very smart of you to go hunt in the rain, even the animals were hidden. A small rabbit being the only thing you brought to the group, but it was better than nothing.

From the other side of the boat, Björn eyes watched your small figure, almost growing impatient with how much you were moving. The moonlight looked beautiful against your distracted face, regret starting to form as he remember your stupid argument earlier. Well, not so stupid. Your health was important after all and could have gone sick just for a stupid rabbit, it wasn't like they'd starve if they spent a few more hours without food.

"You should be resting" his deep voice filled the quiet sea. Your eyes shaped to him before focusing on the black sky. As if you didn't know what you were supposed to do. You weren't a fucking child anymore.

"I don't think my head agrees with you" you said quietly, not wanting to wake the others.

He sighed. Björn made a promise to take care of you, even though, here you were. One day the ruler of Kattegat, an uncrowned king and the other, nothing more than a fugitive. What he has made to anger the Gods?

"You can rest in my arms" his voice was softer and if it weren't the cold. It was his ways to apologize. You'd have probably rejected him. But the bear's pelt around his shoulders seemed so warm, just like the heat that always irradiated from his body.

His arms and legs opened as you got up to come closer, giving enough space so you could fit between them. Neither of you could remember the last time after the battle that you rested in each other's arms, maybe because there weren't a last time.

You closed your eyes, laying your head in his chest. His heartbeat was almost like a lullaby to you, somehow it would always bring you peace.

"I didn't want to bring you into my family issues" his hand traveled on your back, the soothing movement made you let a deep breath out.

"I'd fight the whole world for you" he looked down at your face that was almost missed between the thick fur. Your hand found the back of his neck, caressing it while you watched him with a genuine smile.

In seconds, your lips were touching in a soft and slow kiss, both of you enjoying every moment of it. His hands found your waist, pulling you to sit on his lap, your lips meeting with a lot more passion. The kiss was broken when you needed air, resting your forehead against each other. Nothing but the sounds of your breaths being heard.

"They'll smile on us again, I promise" you whisper inches away from his lips and it was indeed true.

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