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when you entered the front door, you were surprised by a headlock. "ooo, i heard you dating eren. what the fuck sis? break up, i suggest."

"let go of me you asshole," you try to shake her off. 

"is that how you should be talking to your sister? im older than you dickhead" she says tightening her hold. you try to get out using both hands but she was just too strong. "fucking hell," you yell through the big hallway. 

"ymir," her mother yells from the hall. "let go of your sister."

even after a warning from her mother, she still pressed you against her chest, leaving you lacking air.  

"didn't you hear your mom?" you try to yell at her. 

"MY mom? isn't she your mom too?" she chuckles still not letting you go. 

"ughhh," you groan before digging your teeth into her hands. it was hard to bite into. her veiny hands were so hard that you thought your teeth would break off. 

"jesus," she called out. she shook you off, patting her arm as if it was just a fly that bit her. "you are feral, literally."

"you don't get to call jesus, ymir" you poke fun at her. you never liked her for a second. the fact that she just claimed herself as your sister made you feel like this all must have been a joke to her. but she was fun to be around. you never questioned why. you told yourself that you hated her. and that was it. 

she looks at you, her hands dropping to the sides. she was on the verge of laughing but she held it in when her mother came to you both. 

when your dad brought a woman and a child home after your mother's death, you were devastated. why? didn't he love mom? was she not enough? were you not enough that he had to bring another daughter home?

"aunt sophie set up dinner, both of you wash up." your stepmother says before walking off with her magazine. 

"yes, ms. aana." ymir picks her backpack up the floor before running up the stairs. she always climbed three stairs at a time. she had unbelievably long legs. 

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