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a smooth road

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a smooth road. a road that's often taken. you took it too. so what?

people think that life after constant blessings comes with struggles. because you were happy, you had to be sad. 

armin was the hand that held on to you. 

on the dinner table where ymir said she was going to marry the woman she loves, and at that, you flinched too. 

the table was quiet. aana didn't talk for weeks. ymir was losing it. 

because nothing cuts like a mother. 

and as time went by, she got swayed by historia's torta setteveli. chocolate was her favorite after all.

and armin grew close. he became one in your skin. when he touched you even for the millionth time, you knew that he was loving you forever. 

unexplored, he felt you for the millionth time. 

he knew you liked rose gardens, and that you planted new plants end of every winter so they would bloom in the spring. 

he drank kombucha with you and he danced to ella fitzgerald with you. 

he kissed your neck while he looked out of the window of your small apartment. 

oh yeah, his favorite thing to do in the apartment was to bring you flowers from the market and see how you place them. 

he was a reminder. 

that someone loved you irrevocably. 

he knew no one like you. 

and you found everyone in him. 

you worshipped him. 

"what do you mean you have never watched sabrina?" he would ask. 

his taste in movies was annoying. but it gave you something to look forward to. 

after joining college and moving out with him, you both would end up on your brown leather sofa, and somehow his black and white movies made you smile. 

"a woman's love for a man is so low," historia began to complain about a man again. 

"everyone is fucked anyways," ymir purses her lips together as she carefully draws the lines on her canvas. "we're all going to die," she looks at historia again. 

"don't move babe, you look stunning," she says and everyone groans. 

"that's what? the millionth time?"

"no connie, it's the fourteenth time." ymir's hands move swiftly. her artistic talents took over by the time she got up from the dinner table that day. 

she said she used to draw historia's face on almost every diary page. 

and you've seen it. 

because once sasha found it, she ran with it and gave it back to the owner after 3 days. 

everybody is on the grass while you lay in armin's lap. "they look.."


"yes," he keeps decorating your hair with small white flowers. "full."

"you wanna join?" mikasa yells from not too far away. 

your white sundress danced around as you stood up. the small flowers fell to armin's lap. he dusted them off and smiled at you. 

you swear you thought of last night. 

his hands covering your mouth so you don't make a noise while he fucked you in the tent. 

the sky was turning pink. and you loved the small vacation sasha planned. 

he got up and held your hand. and you felt protected. safe. 

"let's go bitches, let's get drunk." connie yells to sasha who's still trying to apologize for forgetting the chocolate for smores. 

"she ate it didn't she?" mikasa asked. 

"happy birthday," he whispers to you. and he has his arms around your waist. his lips tickle your scalp. 

"thank you for waiting for me," armin says. 

he always reminds you that he was meant to be yours. 

in the slightest ways. and in the deepest ways. 

aana keeps saying that he's a golden boy. you wonder if that's because she likes to wear gold. 

well, he is no less than the sun. 

"i love you," you hope your words reach to every inch of his body, and every cell in his blood. 

the sweet rush of ecstasy you get when you see him. when you hear his name. 

you close your eyes and take a deep breath in. 

it's evening and the sky is finally pink. but you can see tiny stars, like the end of the world. 

he got you the moon and the stars. infinity. 

he got you everything. even the sun and the sky. 

it starts here. your life. 

with armin and everyone who loved you. you belong here. 

near them. 

"happy birthday," sasha kisses your cheeks, and mikasa smiles and buries her head into your shoulders. "happy birthday," mikasa tells you. 

"i'm still older than you," connie passes you a glass of spritz. 

ymir shakes everyone off of you and she wraps her arms around your shoulders, hugging you from the back and burying her head in your shoulders. 

"happy birthday princess," ymir says. "thank you," you say for the first time. 

"he keeps looking at you. it's been a year, he still looks at you like that," she says and you don't need to look at armin to know he holds the world in his eyes. 

you smile and you knew one thing. 

as you cut the cake and everyone sat under this naked sky filled with stars, that armin's heart was in yours. 

if you died, you'd have no regrets. no silent wailings but just pure joy. 

he had been staring at you from before your eyes ever met his.'


"yes sunshine," he called you as the night sky turned dark. his eyes shone bright enough to see your reflection in them. 

"i love you." 

but he smiled. like he knew it all along. 

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