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FOR THE PAST week, Stiles and Emily have been

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FOR THE PAST week, Stiles and Emily have been...confused. You see, with everything that happened and Emily getting her emotions back the two just couldn't seem to talk about their feelings.

Emily has been waiting for this moment for a very long time and now that it's here..she just didn't know how to act or what to say.

This was all new to Stiles, before he just thought of Emily as some random girl. But when they got closer he saw her as a good friend.

But now, after everything they've been through, he's seeing her in a whole new light that he never even thought about before. He didn't want to ruin anything, and the last thing he would want to do is hurt Emily once again.

So he had no clue on what to do.

Are they going too fast? Would it be bad if they got together right as he got out of a relationship? How would Malia feel? Would she get mad? How would Emily feel? Would it be awkward?

Stiles just had so many thoughts running through his head that he couldn't think straight. So he went to the only person he could trust with this sort of thing.


"You kissed her?" Scott asked his best friend in shock, "Yeah, I confessed my love for her right there and kissed her, I mean the good thing is she said it back but...now I don't know" Stiles explained.

"You don't know what? How you feel?" Scott questioned, "No, I know how I feel, I just don't know what to do? I mean do we like date now, or what?" Stiles asked.

"I mean, I just broke up with Malia and she was very understanding but would it be bad if we got together right away?" Stiles asked, "Malia likes Emily, so I don't think she would mind all that much" Scott said.

"Emily and I haven't done things like this before so it's kind of weird, and it's going to get some getting used to but...would it be awkward? You know for the pack? And for us?" Stiles questioned.

"The pack has been rooting for you two for a long time, we don't mind trust me" Scott said. "And for you two, I don't know, it could feel weird at first but you two go great together so I don't think the love stuff is going to be much of a problem" Scott said.

"I just don't want to hurt her again, I've already caused her too much pain, I don't want to hurt her anymore than I already have" Stiles said looking down.

"And you won't, at least not on purpose, you can't hold yourself back just because your scared of hurting her. If you hurt her then you hurt her, but you two will get through it just like you always do"

"Ever since Emily came into our lives, I could smell her emotions right away, I smelt her love, her love towards you, I smelt that from the start and your guy's connection is very strong, you guys can get through anything together" Scott said.

"You two belong together, whether you believe that or not" Scott added and Stiles stayed quiet. "If you really love her, then you would go to her right now and tell her how you truly feel and just talk it out with her and sort your feelings out" Scott said.

"Go for it man, what have you got to lose?"

After their very deep conversation, Stiles rushed over to Emily's house ready to talk. He knocked on the door taking a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. Emily opened the door and a smile appeared on her face as she saw him.

"Hey Stiles"

"Hey, can we talk?" He asked his voice a bit shaky which Emily notice of that, "Yeah, sure?"

Stiles walked into the house and Emily shut the door, she turned to him her eyebrows furrowed. He wasn't saying anything which worried her.

"Is everything okay?" Emily asked him and Stiles looked up at her, "You know I love you, right?" Stiles asked her and Emily was taken back by his question.

"Yeah, I know..."

"And you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, right?" Stiles asked as he took a step closer. "Yeah...I know" Emily said her voice barely above a whisper.

"I need to know how you feel? I need to know what you want, what do you want, Emily?" Stiles asked her their faces inches away.

Emily looked up at his beautiful brown eyes, her eyes flickered down to his lips.

"I want you"

Right as those words came out of her mouth, Stiles smashed his lips onto hers. Emily wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands slipped around her waist.

They kissed roughly as Emily's hand traveled into his hair, Stiles' hand roamed freely around her back.

Emily opened her eyes and she pulled away, Stiles opened his eyes as Emily pulled away from him.

"What's wrong?"

"What are we? I-I mean...what is this?" Emily asked pointing between the two. "What do you want it to be?" Stiles asked her and Emily looked into his eyes.

"More...I want it to be more" she whispered and Stiles smiled pulling her into a more soft and passionate kiss.

"Are you sure we aren't going too fast?" Stiles asked as they pulled away, "I've been waiting for five years, how fast could we possibly go?" Emily said and Stiles chuckled.

"Your right"

"Emily...would you do me the honor, and be my girlfriend?" Stiles asked her looking down at her a hopeful look on his face.

The biggest grin spread out on her face, a grin that could light up the whole world.

"Is that even a question? Of course I would love to be your girlfriend" Emily chuckled and Stiles grinned as he pulled her in for another kiss.

"I love you" Stiles mumbled into the kiss and Emily smiled, "I love you too, Stiles"

After their little make out sesh, Stiles and Emily decided to just cuddle. So they went up to Emily's room and they cuddled as they watched a movie.

Now that they knew where they stood with each other, they felt more at ease. Stiles' worries faded at that moment and all he could care about was Emily.

Emily of course was over the moon.

She hadn't been this happy since her parents died, so having that bubbly feeling in her stomach made her overflow with joy.

She was finally happy.

After five years of crushing on the same boy, she finally got him. She didn't know how, but she did it.

She got the boy.

Ladies and gents...this is the end. I was going to add a few more chapters but then I thought, what a better way than to end the book right here? You guys have been waiting for this for basically two whole books now and you finally got it! Yayy!! I will have a few more author's notes after this so heads up for that because I've got BIG news;)

𝗠𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀|Stiles Stilinski|𝟬𝟮Where stories live. Discover now