Chapter 12

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(Camila's POV)

I dragged Lauren out of the club, and into the back of our van. I ordered the driver to take us back to the bus, and he did as told.

As we were driving, Lauren seemed to be looking for any form of affection. She continually slid her hand up and down my thigh, which was slowly but surely driving me crazy. She also kept leaving soft kisses underneath my jaw, which also very much drove me insane.

"I'm hungry..." The older girl slurred into my ear. I giggled for no apparent reason, it just kind of came out.

"Let's go get something to eat, then." I responded. She nuzzled her head into my neck, causing my cheeks to heat up.

"You're adorable, Camz. I hope you know that. I absolutely adore everything about you." The green eyed girl mumbled into my skin. Drunken confessions.

"Yeah, well you already know how I feel about you." I responded. Of course if we were both sober, we wouldn't be this friendly or affectionate towards one another, so it seemed as if we were both just enjoying the happiness for as long as it would last.

"Can we please get something to eat? I'm starving!" Lauren whined, rubbing her stomach dramatically. "Kevin!" She called out to our driver.

"It's Calvin. But what do you need, Ms. Jauregui?" He said, irritation evident in his deep voice.

"Can you take us to McDonald's? Please? If I don't eat I think I'm going to cry. And drunk Lauren and crying Lauren don't go well together, okay?" She persisted. He agreed to take us there, and before I knew it, I was scarfing a Big Mac down my throat.

"Holy shit! You ate that so fast!" Lauren exclaimed once I finished. "But I think you've got some on your lips. Let me get that for you." She smirked, and leaned into me, and pressed our lips together gently. My stomach fluttered at the softness of her lips against mine, and this was nothing like I had ever felt before. The earlier tension was now gone, and I was feeling nothing but happiness. She moved her lips against mine slowly and cautiously. Her tongue ran across my bottom lip, and before I could process what was happening, she was straddling my lap and was shoving her tongue down my throat.

"You're addicting, Camila. Whenever I try to get away from you, something always brings me back." She says honestly against my mouth. I grabbed the back of her head, and crashed our lips together once again. She started sucking on my bottom lip, causing a quiet moan to escape from my mouth. Simultaneously, her hips started slowly grinding against mine, causing heat to pool between my legs. Her lips moved down to my neck, and she started sucking on the smooth skin, but before she could get too far, Calvin cleared his throat and informed us that we had arrived at the tour bus.

We thanked him, and exited the vehicle quickly. Lauren yanked me out of the car, eager to pick up where we left off, but on my way out of the van, I lost my footing, and fell face-first on to the gravel road. Lauren burst out laughing, but also grabbed my hand and pulled me up at the same time.

"You're such a klutz." Lauren murmured, not letting go of my hand as she walked slower towards the entrance to our bus.

Once we reached the door, Lauren completely missed the handle, and nearly fell backwards. She started giggling, causing me to laugh along with her. If there was one thing I loved about Lauren, it was her laugh. It was so raw and natural and contagious, and always put a smile on my face.

"Now you're the klutz, klutz." I remarked. She rolled her eyes and muttered a quiet "you wish" before successfully opening the door.

When we got inside, Lauren automatically kicked the door closed and pinned me against it roughly, attempting to continue what we started though the mood has somewhat been ruined.

She automatically attached her lips to my neck, causing me to fall into a fit of laughter. "Oh my god, Lauren! That tickles!" I yelled, trying to push her off. I kept on laughing despite her serious craving for sex.

"You know what, maybe tonight just isn't our night." She said, backing away from me. I giggled again, and grabbed her hands in mine.

"Can we at least watch a movie?" I pleaded, and looked at her with big brown eyes and stuck out my lower lip. She sighed, and said yes. I grabbed her hand, and pulled her into my bunk, automatically finding comfort in the warmth she provided. I popped a movie into the DVD player, and started it.

My legs were intwined with Lauren's, and my head was resting on her chest and my hand was on top of her stomach, and I couldn't have thought of another place I would rather be. This felt like home. But of course, it only happened because we were both still drunk off our asses.

I heard the door to our bus open, and I switched off the TV, and looked over at the green-eyed girl, only to find her passed out. I shook her lightly, and whispered a quiet "Lauren, wake up," but she was out cold. I heard shuffling, so I stayed as quiet as I could. Once the walking was gone, I tried to wake Lauren up once again.

"Lauren!" I said a bit louder, but still no response, so I did what I had to do. I cupped one of Lauren's breasts in my right hand and kneaded it softly, causing her back to arch and she let out a soft whimper. Her eyes shot open, and she looked utterly confused.

"What the fuck, Camila?" She asked. I removed my hand from her chest, and smiled innocently.

"Just doing what was necessary." I reasoned, and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay, but the girls just got here, and I think we should mess with them." I murmured in her ear.

"By doing what?" Lauren questioned.

"Where the hell are they?!" A familiar voice rang out. Normani. Without thinking, I acted on instinct.

"Oh my god, Lauren. Harder." I attempted to moan, throwing my hand over Lauren's mouth to keep her from saying anything. I bounced up and down on the bed lightly, to make it seem like it was shaking.

Within seconds, I heard the bus door open, and people evacuate. I burst out laughing, but Lauren still looked confused.

"I'm so lost, and I really don't think I should be in your bunk, so I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight, Camila." She murmured, climbing off my bunk to lay in her own. Once she was gone, I automatically missed the warmth that she gave off, and the feeling of her lips against my skin, and everything about her. I was very in love with her, and it was a very bad thing. Everything she did affected me in more than one way, and I knew that it was bad for me.


The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache. It was nearly unbearable, every streak of light caused my head to throb. Just as I sat up, the light to my phone went off, causing my head to pound even more.

A: Hey, Camila. Wanna come over to my bus a little while later? ;)

I rolled my eyes at his wonky face, but decided that I might as well go over there. Who knows what Austin could be up to, right?

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