Chapter 3

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As we drove to the studio, Camila's words kept replaying in my head. "You make me feel beautiful". What the hell was that supposed to mean? Was I just overthinking this?

Camila played with my fingers, and I looked out the window, engrossed in my thoughts. Dinah pulled me out of my own mind and screamed out as she saw the large building that I assumed to be the studio that we were going to start recording in.

"Guys we're here! I can't believe we're going to record again!" The Polynesian girl exclaimed. Camila laughed at the taller girls excitement.

"I really wonder what songs they're going to have us sing.." Ally mumbled to herself.

"Well, I actually wrote a song... But it's not that good, and no one has heard. I was thinking of singing it to our music producer, but I don't want to anymore." Camila informed, and everyone gasped at the fact that she had been writing songs.

"I didn't know you wrote songs." I said to her, and she turned to look at me.

"I didn't. Until something sparked my emotions" She replied, and I wanted to know what that 'something' was.

We drove into the parking lot of the large building, and our driver parked the black truck. The five of us exited the vehicle, and walked to the studio, trying to hide our faces from the blinding flashes of the paparazzi.

We entered the building, and the five of us were pulled into a recording room so we could listen to some of the song options that we could record and put on the album.

"If any of you have a song that you would like us to hear, now is your chance." Informed Bryan, the man who was correlating our album.

"Camila has a song!" I told him, speaking up for Camila because she hadn't said anything.

"Okay, let's hear it, Camila." He requested.

"No.. It's not really that good." She responded shyly.

"I'm sure it's amazing." I told her, and she started to look irritated.

"No. It's not. Bryan, it's not really something that I want to put on the album." She informed.

"Camila, just do it." I suggested, and she glared at me. Something was definitely bothering her.

"Yeah, Camila. I want to hear your song." Bryan told her.

She unwillingly obliged, and took her place in front of a piano that was nearby. The five of us turned to face her, and she started playing the piano introduction. Right when her voice hit my ears, I knew that the song would be amazing.

"And I hate to say I love you

When it's so hard for me

And I hate to say I want you

When you make it so clear

You don't want me

I'd never ask you cause deep down

I'm certain I know what you'd say

You'd say I'm sorry believe me

I love you but not in that way

And I hate to say I need you

I'm so reliant

I'm so dependant

I'm such a fool

When you're not there

I find myself singing the blues

Can't bear

Can't face the truth

You will never know that feeling

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