Chapter 14

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"Figure my heart out, babe."

Those words echoed through my head. It felt like, by saying that, she actually could have feelings for me, whether it was love or lust or just a strong liking. Her lips against my cheek seemed to leave their mark, and I would never forget the happiness that I had felt in that moment.

When she walked away, I felt as if I was going to explode, pass out, or cry of happiness, but neither of the three happened. I stood in the middle of the venue, stunned with a stupid grin on my face. Lauren and I had gone from being mad at each other, to crying in each other's arms, to talking about how much I love her, to her somewhat admitting her feelings towards me. All in one day. If we weren't bipolar, then I'm not sure just what is.

I sighed deeply, and released a breath of air. Maybe this would be a new beginning for Lauren and I. Maybe we would get over our stubbornness, and finally talk through our fights and disagreements. Maybe I wouldn't shed as many tears over such pointless conflicts.


A week passed, and I was proven correct. We were nearly as close as we were on The X Factor. But as usual, we were both cautios of what we let be seen behind a camera lens and in front of fans.

But when we were getting interviewed, and playing a game called 'Boss or Toss', the odd tension between us came back when the interviewer practically asked if we had kissed anyone that we had ever toured with.

I felt my cheeks automatically heat up, and my eyes searched for Lauren's gaze as our past interactions came to mind. When Lauren finally looked at me, we both held a devious smirk on our face that told it all. Lauren looked rather embarrassed, and shared the flustered look on her face similar to mine. She looked at me quickly with a sheepish smile on her face, then looked away. I couldn't stop staring, though, it was a whole different type of tension that I hadn't felt before.

The interviewer asked a few more pointless questions, and then it was finally over. As we were exiting the room of the interview, Lauren grabbed my wrist, pulling us aside from the rest of the girls and a few of our tour managers.

"We can't do this anymore." She said softly, not meeting my gaze. What?

"What are you talking about, Lauren?" I questioned.

"You can't do that kind of shit that you just did in the interview. People are gonna find out, Camila, and I don't want them to. It's already more than enough that we have done...things together. But you don't need to flaunt it to the entire world." Lauren explained a bit too harshly. It felt as if her words were a jab to my stomach. Did she not realize she reacted the same exact way?

"Our relationship isn't one-sided, you know?" I countered, and her eyes finally met mine.

"Why do you sound so sure about that?" She said coldly. That one hurt like a bitch.

"I...I'm not sure, but you keep messing with my head, and you're just so confusing, Lauren. One second, we are best friends, the next we are fighting and you are really hurtful, and then we are making out in the back of the tour bus!" I raised my voice a bit, but not loud enough for the others to hear. "God, just tell me what you want from me. I already told you how I felt, so it's your turn, Lauren."

"Camila..." She started. But she couldn't finish, of course, because we were interrupted by a loud voice.

"Yo! We're gonna go grab some pizza, Lauser, Walz, you guys in?" Dinah said, getting our attention easily. We both turned around to face the taller girl, who had a large grin on her face.

"Yeah, sure. Just hang on a second." Lauren said, and grabbed my arm slowly to make me face her. "I'm sorry, Camz. I don't mean to say these kind of things to you, it just..happens. It's just really annoying when people make these assumptions about us when they have no idea what is really going on. I don't mean to confuse you, or make you think I'm playing games with you, because in reality, I am just as confused as you. I was happy with how our relationship has been these past few days. I enjoy being happy and affectionate and cheerful around you, and I just wish it was always like this. So please, let's not fight anymore." She apologized. I nodded my head slowly, not really processing her words well, and she pulled me in for a tight hug. But my heart began to pound when she whispered a quiet "I love you, Camz," into my hair as she stroked my skin underneath the bottom of my crop top.

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