Chapter 16

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Hey guys, just a heads up that this chapter, (and possibly others), will be written in 3rd person just because it's a bit easier to show what the characters are thinking and all of that good stuff! Anyways, sorry for being so horrible at updating, but here we go!


"Austin, you're on in five," a tall, deep-voiced man announced from the opposite side of the closed door.

After Lauren had left in a rage, Austin and Camila had chatted a bit about it. Not only were they both confused, but they were both petrified at what Lauren was thinking.

Lauren had always had a weakness for Camila. She always laughed at her jokes even if they weren't funny, told her she was beautiful in the midst of Camila's breakdowns, and was always the first one to pick her up when she was down. Lauren was never mad at her, but tonight, that had changed.

Camila had never seen Lauren as mad as she just had been. Lauren's eyes were darker than usual, her fists were closed, and she was tense. Her usually raspy voice was replaced with an angry, loud yell. Camila knew that she had struck a nerve when Lauren had entered the room.

Austin got up from the couch, straightened out his outfit, and exited the dressing room that they had been occupying. Camila sighed, closed her eyes, and rested her head against the back of the couch.

Why was she like this? How come every time Lauren and her got close again, something always had to get in the way? Why was she still with Austin if she was not interested in him?

Camila was disgusted with herself. Not only was she leading one person on, and setting him up for heartbreak, but she had also hurt the person who she wished would never be hurt.

The brown eyed girl ran a hand through her hair, and let out a huff of air.

Eventually, she found the strength in herself to stand up and watch her boyfriend perform. Though she had never seen him perform, she wasn't blown away. Sure, he put on a good show, but his vocals were mediocre and dancing skills could improve. She rolled her eyes as she saw girls squealing in the audience. Halfway through a song that she couldn't name, she felt a presence appear from behind her.

"Come with me," a quiet voice said from behind her, and pulled her wrist. She couldn't see their face, but was positive it could only be one person.

The womanly figure was dressed in grey sweats, and a black hoodie which had the hood on.

Camila was being pulled roughly through a mob of people, and was eventually met with cool air from outside.

Before she could protest, she was slammed up against the wall of the building, and a hand clamped over her mouth. Her eyes met a familiar shade of green, but instead of the usual loving look that she received, she was met with a burning sight that set off a fire in her heart.

"Tell me," the ivory skinned woman started, "Is he better than me? Is that why you're with him?" Camila could hear the hurt in her quivering voice. It was obvious that she was trying to be strong and intimidating, but Camila had broken down the walls that Lauren had built up.

"Or are you trying to make me jealous? You can flaunt your little boy toy around while leaving me with unspoken feelings. You think it's okay to make me feel good and loved, then the next minute, make me feel like I'm nothing to you?" Lauren whimpered quietly, her hand still over Camila's mouth. "This is fucked up, Camila. We're a mess."

Camila brought her hand to Lauren's, and removed it from her mouth, allowing herself to speak.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt you, Lauren. You know I would never do that." Camila said sincerely, trying to diminish Lauren's harsh gaze. Lauren's jaw clenched, and Camila knew that she had just made things much worse.

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