Chapter 9

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Never in my life had I been truly and utterly speechless. I heard many things that had shocked me, but I had never been as shocked as I was when Camila confessed what she was feeling, and then immediately after, being told that we were going to be spending a lot of time with someone that I absoultely despised.

**Camila's POV*

I stormed out of the tour bus, and slammed the door behind me. Warm tears filled my eyes, and I did my best to push them away, but they wouldn't diminish. I tried to be strong, but like always, I failed miserably.

Why was it that I ruined everything that mattered to me? Everything was going good, great! But then I had to open my mouth, and make a fool out of myself.

The worst part about all of it was that I never found out what Lauren was going to say.

I walked away quickly from the tour bus, never looking back. I really needed to get over what I was feeling for Lauren. It wasn't good for either of us, and my feelings were were doing nothing but bringing me down.

Deciding that I needed a distraction from my thoughts of the green-eyed girl, I pulled out my phone, and dialed a number that would more than likely distract me from reality for a while.

"Hi, Mila. What's up?" My best friend, from Miami, said when she answered the phone. Sandra had always been a sense of comfort for me. She was there when I auditioned for X Factor, when I used to get teased at school, whenever I was around my crush. She was like a rock to me, much like Dinah had become.

"Nothing much. I just thought I'd give you a call to see what you're up to." I said. I turned around, and started walking back towards the tour bus.

"Are you okay? I know that there is a reason that you're calling me."

"Is it really that obvious?"

"Yes, now spill." She demanded. I took a deep breath, and decided to just explain everything.

"Well, this is going to sound crazy, but please don't think of me any differently after you hear this."

"Are you pregnant or something?" Sandra joked.

"What? No! Of course not!"

"Camila, just tell me already." She said seriously. I ran a hand through my hair and continued walking at a slower pace.

"I'm just going to throw it out there, and say that Lauren and I have been messing around. I know that there has been many speculations about it, and I know that we have both denied it multiple times, but yes, it's true. And in the midst of all of that, I actually began to feel something for her. And today, I think I might have ruined everything." I explained, hearing the other girl sigh every once and a while.

"What did you do?" Sandra questioned.

"I told her that I loved her."

"Well, do you?"

"I think that I do. But I'm genuinely confused. Love shouldn't hurt, it should be wonderful and magical and it shouldn't make me feel like there is an ache in my chest and I shouldn't be in love with someone who I have no chance with. Love should be filled with affection and warmth and nothing but the two people." I told her.

"You do love her." She concluded for me. I responded with a quiet "yeah" and we continued to talk about things going on back home.


After talking to my long-time best friend, I immediately felt better. It was nice not having Lauren be the only thing on my mind for once.

Lauren was the type of person that was impossible to get off of your mind. She was always there, in the back of my mind, whether I was on stage, or falling asleep, or scrolling across things on Tumblr. There was no way for me to stop thinking about her.

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