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                     "How it all began"

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"How it all began"

Evelyn was a popular rich girl. Her parents were together since high school. They got married at 22 and then had Evelyn 2 years later. That was 11 years ago. The 2 parents didn't have any other kids after Evelyn. Seeing as she was their little girl and they didn't want her to feel left out.

They made sure she was happy at every moment of her life. They gave her everything she wanted.

Evelyn was raised as royalty. Her parents bought the perfect house at the top of the hill. With the front gate and beautiful garden. At school the girl was popular and had every guy chasing after her. Every girl wanted to be her. Everyone wanted to be her friend.

So of course she never noticed the boy who sat behind her in all of her classes. Or how the boy would always hand her a pencil when she forgot hers. Not even how he had always had his eyes on her when she walked in the room. She had never noticed him until his brother Georgie died. At least thats what the boy had thought.

That was who he was known as. The kid who's brother died. He was known as stuttering Bill. He didn't want Evelyn Richmond to think thats all he was. He wanted her to think he was more. He wanted her to like him for who he was.

But that would never happen. She barely knew who he was. She gave him a sad smile whenever she actually noticed him. His friends gave him pity. They all knew about his crush on the girl, but they all knew she would never like him back. I mean why would such a popular girl like a loser like Bill.

Today was no different. Bill always had 6 extra pencils. One for each class of the day. Not for him, Bill never losses his pencil. But for the blonde girl who sat in front of him. So sitting down as homeroom started Bill leaned forward and placed down a pencil in the center of her books. He leaned back and smiles as she looked back and picked up the pencil. Playing with it as the teacher began to speak about the lesson for the day.

As Math had went on Lena, Evelyn's friend leaned over to the blonde and whispered in her ear. Evelyn smiled and began to write on a piece if paper. She leaned back and handed the paper to Bill. "Give that to your friend Richie for me?" She whispered to him, the boy immediately nodding.

He tucked the paper in his science book. Knowing Richie had that class with him. Evelyn smiled at him and turned back around, leaving Bill awestruck.


As the day went on Bill had done over and over what he had done in first period. Leaned over and placed the pencil on Evelyn's book. By the end of the last day of school Bill had used all 6 pencils. Meeting up with his friends Stanley, Richie, and Eddie in the hallway they walked out of school.

Evelyn had met up with Lena and Lynn in the hallway walking to art to pick up their project. "Hi Ms. Turner." They said in unison.

"Hello dears, here for your projects?" Ms. Turner asks her best students.

They nodded. "And Bill Denbroughs." Evelyn pipes up as her friends shake their heads.

"I have all 4 right here for you." Ms. Turner handed the girls each their project and handed Bill's to Evelyn. "Take care of them."

The girls nodded and walked out into the hallway. "Why do you always do that?" Lena asks her best friend.

Evelyn shrugs. "Well he never takes them home on the last day of school, and they shouldn't go to waste. Besides they are really good."

"Yeah but that still doesn't make any sense to me, why Bill, he is a total loser." Lynn says as she holds the door for Evelyn and Lena.

"Oh we have this conversation every time school ends and what do i always say?" Evelyn tilts her head when she see's Bill and his friends with Henry Bowers and his group of punks.

Both girls sigh. "No one is a loser, everyone has a talent and art is his." They recite as they follow Evelyn over to Henry Bowers.

"You got a free ride because of your brother. Rides over." Henry approach's Bill as the girls walk over.

"Hey Henry!" Evelyn calls out as she steps in front of the group of friends in her grade. "Walk away, because we wouldn't want daddy dearest to know what you did last week." Evelyn points her thumb to the police man looking at them. Everyone's head turning that way as well.

Henry sighs and turns around leading his group to the car and driving away. Evelyn turned around and smiled at Bill. "T-t-thanks."

"No problem. Have a good summer guys." She smiled at all of then and walked away.

"Dude was she holding your art project?" Richie slaps Bill's chest pointing at the girl who just walked away.

"N-n-no it's probably someone else's." Bill shrugged as him and the guys began the journey home.


Evelyn had walked into her home and went straight up to her room. She went into her closet and grabbed the box that sat on top of the shelf. She opened it and sat Bill's art project on top of all the other papers in the box. She smiled and put to box back. Evelyn had put her art project on the table for her mom to put away when she gets home.

Evelyn sighed when she heard the phone ring knowing she's the only one home she had to answer it. "Richmond residence you've git Evelyn."

"Hey Evelyn, im heading to the store wanna come?" Beverly Marsh asked her friend over the phone. The two girls have been friends since they were 6. Beverly had distanced herself when it came to school. She wanted Evelyn to have good friends and Beverly knew she would bring Evelyn down.

Evelyn had always wanted to hang out with Beverly at school but when she tried all the red head did was walk away. "Yeah, meet at mine and we'll walk?"

"Be there in 10."

Beverly hung up and Evelyn went to go get ready. She slipped on sneakers and grabbed her purse. She made sure she had her safety money. Her mom always made her carry around $100 just in case she needed it, and she made sure she had her wallet which carried her allowance and her credit card.

She wrote a note for her parents so they knew where she was. Just as she finished the door bell rang.

"Ready to go?"


The 2 girls made their way to the store.

Author's note

Yeah so i suck at writing. Anyway, i wanted to make an IT book because i love the movie and Jeaden Martell. I hope you enjoyed!



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