Taken. Pt 2

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My eyes started to flutter open, everything was blurry but I could tell I have never been in this place before. I tried to sit up but I was weak I looked over and saw rafe looking out the window, "rafe" he immediately turned around, " y/n how are you feeling?" " rafe where the hell are we?" I was beyond mad , "we're on a boat" everything started coming back to me, I knew what was happening. I got up from the couch and started getting closer to rafe to smack him" wow wow wow you need to sit down you're still dizzy!" Rafe said holding onto my arm, I yanked it away fast, " rafe I told you I didn't want to come! Why am I here!" " I couldn't leave you y/n, I thought we wanted this I thought you wanted to be with me?" "rafe what about my family.. my parents MY BROTHER?? I JUST LEFT MY FAMILY!" " listen I know you're upset but you just have to understand I did this for us ok?" Rafe started walking closer to me, " no NO DONT TOUCH ME" he still wouldn't  stop coming at me so I put my hands on his chest trying to push him away, I was basically punching his chest repeatedly now because he still wouldn't get away from me, instead he just wrapped his arms around me. I began to fall to the floor crying, rafe went down with me, his arms still around me " rafe what did you do..."

" it's for us, you'll understand one day"

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