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Psycho rafe :)

It had been a few days since rafe had taken me against my will with him and his family on the boat. they had to come for us, if not for me at least for Sarah, someone had to help us. I was down in the steamer room talking to one of the workers, Cleo. She was super nice and the only person I could actually talk to and trust on this boat, besides Sarah but she was sleeping upstairs. This was the only place I could get away from rafe he was right behind me with every move I made because, "if he's with me he knows I'm safe." Bull shit. I had went back up to the top of the boat to cool off because it was very hot down there. Little did I know the chaos that was about to happen

Pope, John b, jj, Kiera, and Cleo already fought everyone off

I was running around the boat trying to find someone, anyone I could go with to get me out of here, I couldn't find any of them, fear rushed through me when I realized that there could be a good chance they left without me, Sarah wouldn't let them leave without me, neither would Cleo. I ran outside and to my advantage I saw Kiera and jj out here fighting some guy, " y/n?!" Jj said. They were just as shocked to see me, " we need to get the hell out of here now!" Kiera said to me, " JJ!" I yelled but it was to late, the man had already knocked him out and he fell off the boat, Kiera jumped in the water after him, the man looked at me and ran back in, he thought I was on his side considering that rafe was my " boyfriend". I saw a little boat in the distance and jj and Kiera started swimming to it, they got in and I saw a hand waving in the air twords me, it was John b, " Y/N COME ON!JUMP!" I braced myself for the jump, just as I was jumping in the air I felt a pair of strong arms pull me back in. I could hear everyone on the boat screaming, I knew it was rafe. "Y/n no! No why would you do that!?" Rafe said in a panicked and confused tone, " rafe no please please let me go!" I begged him. " no. You know I can't do that!" I tried my best to get out of his arms but I couldn't. It was to late, their was no way I was getting away from rafe, the boat was already long gone.

"It's not over yet..we'll get her back." John b said to the others in the boat.

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