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"Y\N.. he is not good for you, you can do so much better. I've known you for a long time I can treat you so much better than he can." Kelce said as we played golf at the country club. I swung my club and hit the golf ball far before answering. "Kelce, first off all fuck you you're an awful fucking friend drunk or not, and second of all I love rafe so again fuck you." Did I forget to mention Kelce was drinking? Topper, my brother was here with us to he went to the bathroom because he was "about to piss his pants" so that left me and kelce. "Y/n no HES not a good friend, he knew the way I talked about you for years and he still went after you, he did me dirty..." there was a short silence when I turned to look at him, "come on.." kelce said moving his hand to my ass. "Fuck OFF KELCE!" I said as I swung the golf club at his face. He moved his hand to his now bleeding face with a shocked expression. "Yoo y

what the fuckk" topper said fast pace walking to us, "the fuck is wrong with you??" Topper said yanking the golf club from me. He looked between me and kelce for a second, kelce didn't say a word. "What the fuck did you do kelce." Topper said, it finally clicked with him that I wouldn't just do that for shits and giggles. All the sudden rafe showed up in his truck, thank god. He had some things to do (drug business) so he was going to meet up with us later, which is now. He got out of his truck and slowly walked over to us, "yo what the fuck is going on??" Rafe said sensing the tension. I turned around and looked at rafe, the look I gave him must've alerted him that something bad had happened. "what the fuck happened." He said in a more demanding tone, his face dropped as he looked at me. I turned back to kelce, "you wanna tell him or am I?" I said blankly starting at him. "Listen I , I don't know man, she just swung on me.." kelce said throwing his hands up. "Yea bull shit. He kept saying shit and then he tried grabbing me so I hit him in the face with my golf club." I said, not breaking eye contact with kelce. Rafes fists clenched, "the fuck did you do to her kelce?!?" Topper said. Rafe just darted at kelce and flung him to the floor, he got on the ground to and lifted him off the ground by his shirt collar and began beating the absolute shit out of kelce. Rafe does NOT fuck around when it comes to you. "YOU. STUPID. MOTHER. FUCKER.IM.GOING.TO.FUCKING.KILL.YOU!" Rafes punches didn't slow down. I stood there with my arms crossed as I rolled my eyes. Topper tried getting in on the beating, but he couldn't. Rafe had towered over kelce leaving no room of him to even beat. After a little bit, rafe got up. He had blood on his face and hands, and shirt, but it was not his. He slowly turned his head to look at me, I was still standing there with my arms crossed. Rafe slowly got up and walked over to me. "I'm going fucking home.. what the fuck." Topper said as he walked to his truck. Rafe looked down at me as he tucked my hair behind my ears and placed both of his hands on the side of my face "y/n are you okay..did he fucking hurt you I swear to god tell me now I will fucking kill him" he said inches away from my face. I shook my head no, "no, no he didn't" I brought up my hand to wipe the blood near his mouth away and kissed him. We were interrupted by kelce moaning on the floor. We pulled back and looked at him. When rafe turned Back around I just looked at him, worry went over my face, "baby, baby what's wrong?" He became concerned, "I'm sorry."  A single tear fell down my face, rafe quickly wiped it away. "No, no don't you dare apologize for something you had no control over, you know I'm not mad at you." I looked down at kelce and shook my head ok. "Can we leave?" I asked looking back up at rafe. He didn't say anything. We just made our way back to his truck, leaving kelce there.

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