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I had spent the night at rafes house last night, topper, Sarah, kelce, and a few other boys that they know from the country club we're over last night as well and we had all made a plan to hang out at the beach today, that is if rafe would wake up! "Rafe freaking Cameron wake your ass up!" I said lightly throwing a pillow at him making him groan and roll over, "pleasee jus let me sleep baby.." he wined, "rafe if you wanted to sleep so late you shouldn't have made plans with other people, they're waiting for us." I was standing in front of where he laid his head in the pillow, I myself wasn't dressed either, I hadn't even began getting ready because I was still trying to wake up my lazy boyfriend. Rafe lifted his head up just enough to where he could see me a little bit, the rest of his face was hidden in the pillow, when he looked at me he started smiling which obviously made me smile and start laughing a little, he started laughing to, then he looked at me and put his head back into his pillow again, " rafe come on it's not funny you gotta wake up" I said pushing his shoulder lightly trying to get him to turn over, but instead he grabbed my arm and yanked me into bed with him, wrapping his arms around me in a tight grip, "pleaseee can we just lay here for a second." He said smiling into my shoulder. I laid my head between his shoulder and the pillow, I rolled my eyes at him, "hey!" He said looking up at me, " what?" "I saw that."He said, " you didn't see nothin" I replied looking down at him, he smirked and grabbed my waist and rolled over on his back, taking me with him straddling me on top of him, "I think you rolled your eyes at me.." he smirked and admired me straddled over him, "and what if I did?" I said going closer to his face, he bit his bottom lip and looked at my lips, instantly he went in for a kiss, he grabbed my face with one hand while the other rested on my hip, it moved down to my butt, he started using one hand to make my hips move back and forth against him. I pulled just inches away from his face with my eyes closed, " we're gonna be late" I smiled and opened my eyes, he was looking at me, "who fucking cares?" He sat up in his bed and pulled me close into his chest and started kissing my neck, I couldn't even say anything. He started going lower and then he switched to the other side, I looked over to the night stand and saw that his phone had lots of missed calls, all of which from topper, and I saw mine ringing, it was Sarah. "god rafe stop!" I pushed him away from me enough for me to get my phone and answer it, " hellooo?" I said, rafe just laid back against his head board with his arms crossed, he looked mad but all well. While I was talking to Sarah on the phone, he decided to put his hands back on my thighs, hips, ass, boobs, and just about anywhere else he could touch. " alright we'll be there in 10!" I said just before hanging up, rafes face dropped, "we're still going!?" He asked annoyed, " um yea rafe we're going.. what else are we gonna do today?" He raised his eyebrows and looked over at me, I looked back at him with a straight face, "no." He sarcastically rolled his eyes at me while I went to his closet to get him an outfit picked out, since this mans was STILL laying in bed. Eventually he got up and started getting ready, but it was longer than 10 minutes. Needless to say everyone noticed the hickeys rafe had left on me before we left ;)

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