care for you.

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Your dad was aggressive, very aggressive. Recently he had gotten drunk because he was angry at god knows what, the anger was taken out on you. Whatever he had done, it broke your wrist, you now had a cast on. Of course when asked you had "fallen" because your dad was a well known respected man, can't let his reputation die. One of the only people who truly knew was your boyfriend rafe.

Rafe was livid at the fact. He was so upset. That someone as innocent as you had this situation, this burden on your shoulders. He felt regret, regret that he couldn't help you this time. He wanted nothing more than to beat your dad, maybe even kill

It was your dominant hand that has been broken. This made it harder to do things.

Rafe lightly brushed your hair, not hurting you one bit. You were standing in the mirror of his bathroom, watching him through the mirror. A small smile crept on my mouth as I watched my boyfriend do this for me. He laid the brush down back on the counter as I lightly pressed my head against his chest, still facing the mirror. His arms slowly snaked around my waist as he started kissing my neck. I slowly shut my eyes at the feeling of rafes touch on my neck. He started moving up to my jawline so I turned around and immediately started kissing his lips. His arms were still trailed around my waist. He picked me up and sat me on the counter. He was between my legs. My hand cupped his face while my crippled hand rested on his, which was on my waist. He backed away and looked at me for a second. He put my hair behind my ear, earning a big smile
From him as he went to kiss me again. He picked me up off the counter and walked to his bed. He slowly laid me down as he got on top of me not breaking the kiss.

Who said crippled bitches can't get turnt

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