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Rafe and I decided that we were going to go out on his boat today to  just ride around and see what's happening while enjoying each other's company. We went outside and started up the boat and left , lots of people were out today, but one little boat that caught rafes attention was the pogue boat. Which had Kiera, jj, John b, and Pope in it, " look at that shit box." Rafe said turning to me looking away from the steering wheel, "rafe stop it were here to have fun not get into anything." " baby nothings gonna happen, just gonna have a little fun like you said" rafe got really close to the boat and started going really fast, which made the big waves head straight for their boat, " rafe stop it! They aren't doing anything!" " baby relax it's alright" when the waves hit the little boat it raised it high up in the air making some of the things fall out of the boat, including jj maybanks beer he once had in his hand. Rafe started laughing a little bit and stopped the boat, "you alright there?" I rolled my eyes at rafe, he always had to start stuff with them, " hey pretty boy why don't you get your ass over here?" Jj said walking towards  the end of his boat, that made rafe get up and walk towards the end of his boat to, "what the hell are you gonna do about it maybank? Beat the shit out of me like your dad does to you?" Rafe said throwing his hands up in the air.My mouth flew open and I put my drink down, I began to say something when all the sudden jj ran up on rafes boat and tackled him to the ground, jj was obviously intoxicated, and while rafe did deserve this in the moment, I didn't want it to happen. Jj was on top of rafe punching him when all the sudden rafe got on top of jj and started punching him even harder, I got worried for jj so I decided to try and step in, " STOP NOW!" That made rafe look over to me, jj took the opportunity to punch rafe in the face, "you are so dead." Rafe said looking back at jj.  All the sudden red and blue flashing lights started speeding up next to us, " wow wow wow what's this all about?" Deputy shoupe pulled up next to us in a boat, jj and rafe finally stopped to look.Rafe rolled his eyes and looked back at jj, they both had blood on them, "it seems like all of you are in a bit of trouble?" Shoupe said looking at all of us, he had saw the beer in the boats to. He looked around at all of us for a second when all the sudden his gaze landed on me and rafe, " wouldn't your parents be disappointed seeing you two with the wrong  crowd?" Shoupe said with a smirk, " wouldn't your wife be disappointed if she knew what you and plumb do on your breaks?" I said to him not breaking eye contact, I could hear them start laughing, shoupe didn't say anything he just looked at me, " how in the hell would you know about that?" " I know a lot of things that I shouldn't know." I said smiling at him. He just shook his head and put his hands on his hips, "you all best be getting home, it's getting late" shoupe said with a straight face, obviously embarrassed. he turned his boat back on and left. I turned back around and they were all looking at me, "next time I'm not gonna say shit" I said looking at them jj and rafe were both smirking, rafe looked back at jj and saw how he was looking at me and punched his arm, making jj look back at rafe. "thank you y/n" John b said " yea thank you!" Kiera added I just smiled at them and rafe started walking back to start the boat up, jj was still standing at the end of rafes boat. Rafe got the boat started up and we were about to leave, " thank you a lot y/n I really appreciate it" jj said , "you're welcome" " ya know you should really call me sometime!" Jj said walking backwards towards his boat, John b pulled him back into it just as rafe was staring to get back up again but I stepped in front of him and put my hand on his chest, he put his hand over mine, "rafe no he was just kidding" he looked down at me then back up to jj ,his breathing was heavy, " no actually I don't think I was!" Jj yelled from across the boat, rafe tried to push past me again not breaking our eye contact, but I gave him a look which made him stop again and just roll his eyes, "shut the fuck up jj!" Kiera said in a whispered tone to him, " say some shit one more time about her" rafe said, jj just looked at him and smiled, he started turning around so jj took the opportunity to wink at me. "rafe come on let's go" rafe sat back down and started the boat back up and left. We were almost home when rafe looked at me with a smirk and just shook his head, " how the hell did you find that out?" " I saw them one day in the cop car, me and Sarah both did" "and you never told me?! That could've saved my ass a lot" rafe said making both of us laugh, " yea well there's not gonna be a next time, I told you not to do that and you did anyway." I said to rafe , "ok I'm sorry but I had to they were just asking for it, plus, that was hot" I just shook my head and started smiling at him, he smiled back at me and put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing it with his thumb, " I love you" rafe said,driving the boat with one hand. He leaned in closer and kissed me, I pulled away to tell him I loved him back, which made him smile, obviously there's gonna be a next time, hopefully not anytime soon.

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