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I wasn't very close with the pouges, but close enough to get invited to things and be trusted.

Rafe and I were at a party along with topper and the rest of our friends, we were sitting in a circle when all the sudden topper barged out of the room and outside, " what's up with him?" Kelce asked motioning towards topper, who was now out of sight, " who knows." I said shrugging "Who cares?" Rafe said back, a few minutes went by when Kiera showed up in the same door that topper had disappeared in, she was frantically looking around when she locked eyes with me, she motioned me to come outside, " I'll be back in a second." I said getting up from rafes lap putting my drink on the table in front of me, "why?" Rafe said grabbing my arm from the couch giving me a confused look, " I said I'll be back." I yanked my arm away from rafe and went out the door, Kiera was on the side of the door outside with her arms crossed, when she saw me her eyes got big, " you gotta come with me!" Kiera said, " why? Is everything ok?" " umm I think so..this guy down here says he knows you and needs to tell you something, he said he wouldn't hurt you so it's fine." My eyes got big and I stoped in my tracks, " what." It made Kiera turn back around and grab my hand, " your brother topper is down there to, I don't really know what's going on." Eventually we made it to where the pouges and topper were,and whoever this guy was. " what's going on?" I asked the group, hoping one of them would give me a decent answer, " y/n do you know this guy?" Topper asked me confused, "no why?" Everyone's gaze went back to the man, topper backed up and went In front of me, protecting me if this dude was crazy or something, " listen..someone sent me here.. it's about the cross." " what do you know about the cross!?" Pope said, "I'll tell you, but first I gotta talk to her, only her." The man said pointing at me, " umm who the hell are you?" I said looking the guy up and down, they all looked at me, " listen y/n please talk to this guy I.. we have to know what he knows about the cross." I didn't even know what the hell he was talking about, what cross? " listen Heyward, my sister isn't getting kidnapped by some freak just so you can find out about some bull shit cross." Topper said walking closer to Pope, I put my hand on his chest pushing him back from him, topper looked back down at me and backed away, " are you fucking serious y/n ?" " topper I don't give a shit, if they wanna know about this cross I seriously do not care, plus kie you said he said he wouldn't hurt me right?" I looked over to kie who was eyeing the man,looking me up and down, she wasn't sure either. "I'm leaving." Topper said shoulder checking me as he walked past me, the man smiled, " just a little chat y/n" he said with a chuckle. I looked at jj who was already looking at me, " ya hurt her youre dead, got it?" Jj said sending a glare at the man, he just smiled. I crossed my arms and walked with the man father away from the group, " what's so important about this damn cross?" " shut the hell up." The guy said turning around and glaring at me, my eyes got big and I started backing away, he went for his pocket and started to pull a gun out, only to where I could see that he was armed, " stop playin dumb, you know exactly what the cross is, your whole family knows, you've got the damn key." " I don't know what the hell youre talking about but you are crazy if you think you're going to shoot me in front of all these people." "Y/N!!" Someone yelled from the top of the house, I turned around to see that it was rafe, topper was standing right beside him, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU- NO NO NO!" He started running to me when all the sudden I was pulled into the man, I felt the cold metal against my head, his arm was around my neck. Everyone started running to me, the mans grip went tighter around my neck while he moved the gun closer to my head, he put a little pressure on the trigger which made everyone stop, "not another step or I'm blowing this bitches head off." I closed my eyes tight, " trust me when I fucking tell you this, if you do anything to her at all I will fucking kill you." Rafe said looking right at the man, he just smiled and moved his hand to my mouth covering it, both my hands were on his hand covering my mouth, I was trying to pull it away, "now where's the damn key." The man said next to my ear, I just shook my head and closed my eyes tighter, " a key?" John b said looking at the man, he shook his head his smile got bigger, " I've got the key. If I give it to you,will you let her go." " yes! Yes, I'll let her go, give me the damn key now!" Rafe looked very scared, because he was, he was useless right now, absolutely no help for his girlfriend who was being held at gunpoint by some crazy man looking for a key. John b pulled a old looking key out of his pocket with a red ribbon tied around it, he started walking closer to the man and held his arm out, just as the man was about to grab the key a gun shot was put into the mans leg, his grip on me was loosened just enough for me to get out of his grip, John b immediately took me into his arms. I looked over his shoulder to see who let the shot off, it was rafe. He got closer to the man and just kept shooting, over and over again. " RAFE STOP!" John b would not let me go, in fear of me accidentally being shot. Jj ran up behind rafe and put his hands on his shoulders shaking him, which made rafe stop and look to him, " as much as I'd like to kill this bastard, he knows things we need to know." The look of terror was on my face, " y/n !" Topper said running to me hugging me, I just closed my eyes and put my head on his chest, letting a few tears out. Rafe looked at me and dropped the gun on the ground and slowly walked to me, I moved away from topper and immediately ran into rafes arms, he put one arm around my waist while his hand was on the back of my head, " never do that shit ever again oh my god." His voice was shaky. He pulled away from the hug and put both his hands on the side of my face, looking directly into my eyes, " how many fucking times do I have to tell you to stay away from these freaks.. you almost fucking died." Jj rolled his eyes and let out a sarcastic laugh.I put my hand on one of his hands and pushed his hand down from my face,"rafe it wasn't there fault..They needed help, they would help me if I needed it." He just shook his head and looked at the pouges, " never NEVER talk to my girlfriend ever again, any of you." Jj started walking closer to me, which made rafe grab my arm and start to walk back up to the house, " y/n.. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I looked at Him and gave him a sympathetic smile, I wanted to stay and talk, but rafe would never let me after this.

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