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Rafe was having a party tonight and asked me to go, he said it would be fun and that he wouldn't drink tonight so I could. It doesn't really makes sense but he doesn't like me getting drunk when he's not there or when he's not mentally there. I wore cute shorts a tank top and my air forces. He told me to come early so we could have some time together before the party started, so as soon as I got ready I left. When I got there I went through the back door and saw Rafe sitting on the couch, when I walked in he turned around really fast but when he saw it was just me he smiled, "hey baby" he said as I turned around the corner to sit on the couch, he opened his arms up and I straddled on his lap, he put his arms around my waist and hugged me, I did the same. I pulled back from the hug and he put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss, we were making out for like five minutes when all the sudden topper and kelc barged in the door with a bunch of boxes of beer, "oh shit- Rafe where do you want me to put these?" Topper said yelling, " I don't care just put them on the counter" Rafe said annoyed. I looked at topper and kelce then back down at rafe and got off of him, rafe gave me a mad look and I gave a sarcastic smile, which made rafe roll his eyes. Not to long after topper and kelce barged in, lots of people started coming in after. We started drinking, and by we I mean me,topper and kelce. rafe was drinking but not as much as we were, keeping his promise. We were shot gunning beers and topper opened one up and poured it in my mouth making all of us laugh, even rafe. "Y/n come out here!" A wasted girl yelled while grabbing my wrist, " woah where are you going with her?" Rafe said grabbing the girl back aggressively, "chill out country club we're just going outside with a few people" the girl said back, " don't let her do anything stupid or I'll-" " you can't do anything to me, I'm a girl, BOYS aren't supposed to hit GIRLS" rafe rolled his eyes, "sHE Is RiGhT!" I said to rafe, it made him laugh a little bit and he grabbed my hand making me look at him, " just please be careful, yell if you need anything" "OoOokkayYy CoUnTry CLUb" I said smiling at rafe and kissing his cheek, earning another smile from him. The girl pulled me outside, where a few other girls were standing including Kiera, jj, John b, and Pope. I stumbled outside and looked at a blonde haired boy for a second till my vision wasn't blurry, " why are you here? Rafe doesn't like you." I said pointing to him, " yea well I don't like him either, just here for the beer!" Jj said holding up his red solo cup, "that's fun." I said sarcastically, " I'm surprised he even let her come out here by herself, usually he's right behind her." John b said to jj, " hey don't talk about rafe like tha- OH MY GOSH!" I started defending rafe when all the sudden I looked behind jj and saw a white and gray baby kitten come out of the bushes, " oh my gosh I'm gonna cry" I said tearing up, they all turned around and saw the little kitten. At this point I was balling and I walked up to the kitten and picked it up, "RAFE!!" I yelled, he came running outside very fast, " what what's the matter?!" He said very frantically, he looked around and saw all the pouges looking at him, " did one of these bastards do something to you." Rafe said walking up to jj with a mad look on his face, " n-n-n-no I found a baaaaby kittenn" I said in between cries. He got out of jjs face and came over to me and put his hand on my arm, I looked down at the kitten then back at him, " baby I told you to yell for me if you needed help" " I do need help I have a kitten in my hands!" Rafe smiled and let out a little laugh, " come on" he said going behind me and putting his hand on my back, motioning me to walk upstairs, everyone gave us weird stairs when we walked through the crowd. We got upstairs and rafe sat me down on his bed with the kitten, he went to his closet and got out two shirts, he put one on and threw the other on the bed next to me. " baby put the kitten down for a second" rafe said kneeling down to me, taking the kitten out of my hands, " rafe I want out of these uncomfy clothes." I said looking up at him, "I know that's why I got you a shirt" he took my clothes off and put the shirt on for me, then went into his bathroom and got one of the makeup remover wipes he keeps in his bathroom for me for when I stay over, he came back over to me and lifted my face up with one hand and started taking my makeup off for me. " where's *hIkUp* lola!?" " look shes over there" he said pointing to the corner, i looked over and smiled when I saw her and went to get up to get her when rafe pulled me back down, " no I'll get her" he went over to the corner and picked up lola and put her down in my lap, " I hate cats." Rafe said looking down at lola, " yea I don't really like cats either but lola is nice she is very very nice" I said petting her head. Rafe picked up his phone and called topper to tell him he wasn't going back down and that he was in charge of the party now. The rest of the night we laid in his bed and played with lola, who was also our new pet :)

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