As soon as I walked outside the cold air hit me then I saw Julie pacing around the building. I started to walk over to her until she saw me and yelled "Charlotte what are you doing" I had no idea what she was talking about
When I got to her I asked her "what do you mean" "your not well and you've been through do much" she said whilst putting her hand my injured shoulder
"I'm fine I can walk, I can run, I'm just hungry" I said "haha I thought you would be so I asked Jamie to leave some food behind for you" she said "thanks" I said
I arrived at the place to eat and I sat alone but then someone came up behind me and started talking to me "hi my name is Jamie, and I'm basically a chief here" "hi, my names charlotte and I'm new" I said "nice to meet you Charlotte" she said
I smiled at her and continued to eat. "How hard was it to watch what happened to Jenny, we all heard you scream but we had to leave you to finish the banishment for her" she said
"It was pretty hard, it practically felt like she stabbed me all over again, I mean i barely even knew her" I said
It was a moments silence I took a sip from my drink and swallowed loudly because of what I was going to ask next "what happens out there at night, I mean at night I see the doors closed by in the day they are open"
It took Jamie a minute to start explaining "we call them grievers, horrible animals. of course no one has seen one and lived to tell about it, but we know there out there, we can hear there footsteps wandering the maze screaming at every minute"
I looked at Jamie she looked terrified of the things she was telling me about "and what about Jenny" I asked "lets just say she will have an unpleasant death"
Jamie started to get up but I turned around and asked her "Jamie wait, how long exactly have you guys been stuck in this place"
She looked at the ground then played with her machete then said "3 years" then she tired around and started walking away.

Group B//Newt love story
RomanceThis is group B where the glade is full of girls and newt is the only boy, see what will happen once you start reading