When I opened my eyes to see who it was I saw Julie and felt confused
She brought her finger to her lips like she was shushing me then signaled me to follow her I got up and put my shoes on and followed her
"When I went the through the changing I saw all different kinds of things but the thing that stood out the most was you an newt"
I was in shock and dint know what to say then Julie said "but then I wondered why the creators would send up one of there helpers, unless she was the one who would doom us all" I stopped walking "I can't even remember my own family, I got stabbed in my shoulder on the first night I was here, I risked my life to save yours and now your accusing me of being one of them, I really thought you where different Julie I guess I was wrong"
I turned around and staring heading back but Julie called out "wait!" I stopped and tired and said "what" "that was t the reason why I took you out here, I want you to carve your name in the wall to show that you are one of us"
"You don't have to forgive me just follow me" then she turned around and started heading for the wall
When I got there she handed me a knife but didnt say anything I brought the knife to the wall and started carving my name
Once I finished I gave the knife back to Julie and started to walk back "wait" she called out "once you calve your name you get your own knife, the one you carved it in is the one you keep"
I turned around to see her holding the hand knife out for me to grab as I did she grabbed my arm and said "I do trust you Charlotte I'm just doubting you"
I shook her arm off "what am I doing today" I asked "well you will be helping Josie cut down some trees and newt will go with the builders sound good" she said
I nodded and started to walk over to where Josie was we both smiled at eachother but when I turned around I saw sienna and newt together but I didn't freak out she was just giving him a run down on what to do
As the day went on Josie and I had a great conversation and where laughing but all of that changed in a split second
Throughout the whole day I had been watching newt but this time when I looked up I saw the most horrible thing ever i dropped my knife and stood back Josie saw me and turned around and was in shock to
I saw sienna and newt kiss
When they role free newt turned my way and saw that I was shocked and started running after me "Charlotte run" Josie said "run Charlotte, hide" I did as she said and turned around and started running
I heard Josie stop newt and start yelling at him I ran to a corner on the wall and sat there
I sat there all day and all night with tears dropping down my face I couldn't stop it I just kept having flashbacks of it 'cCharlotte Charlotte are you there' I heard a voice in my head
I ignored it but he just kept on Insisting I gave up I said through my head 'what, what do you want to say to me' 'Charlotte please don't go away I'm crying now, all the girls are giving me dirty looks and I have no one to talk to'
'Why don't you go talk to sienna' I said 'because your the one I love, not her' he said 'so why did you betray me' I said 'because she made me'

Group B//Newt love story
RomantikThis is group B where the glade is full of girls and newt is the only boy, see what will happen once you start reading