chapter 14

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you woke up sore and tired but still felt amazing, you turned to your side to see your lovely boyfriend still asleep, hugging your waist tightly. you decide to trace your finger on his face, from his eyes, nose, to his oh so beautiful lips. his eyes fluttered open and he smiled kissing your hand that was on his lips "good morning darling" voice rough from sleeping and you pecked his lips "good morning~ shall we go down for breakfast?"

"sure love" he said and got up and you did the same but felt yourself get pinned on the bed with your hands above your head "no no no no no no, I'm still sore from last night" you said sternly but was stopped by his lips on yours. when he finally loosened his grip on your hands you took one out and started tickling the god of mischief

he flinched and let you go but soon started chuckling when you started giggling "alright, alright go freshen up and we'll head down for breakfast" 

"ok my god of mischief" you said cackling but manage to run away before he caught you


after freshening up you wore his oversized hoodie and some trousers since you don't have training today and went out to the kitchen "had a fun night" nat asked teasing the both of you to which you blushed but stuck your tongue out to her to which she chuckled, Loki just rolled his eyes

"you good tony?" steve asked when no one was looking, he looked so disturbed in thoughts "yea, yeah just....*sigh* I talked to pepper about something and...I don't know if it's right..." he said as he ran a hand over his face "about?" steve asked softly but didn't want to push him too much into telling him "about ash" he said with a sigh "what about him?" he asked utterly confused

tony took a deep breath and decided to spill shit "well we thought maybe we could adopt him you know? since he doesn't have a family but us. and I hate to admit it but I love him too much--" he said while looking at you playing with nat and loki with the pancake batter, steve glanced at where he was looking at as well "*sigh*he's a good kid...just a little broken" steve said without taking is eyes off you "yeah.." tony agreed with what he said and smiled "thanks capsicle" tony said while walking off to his lab, steve just smiled "anytime" and then he looked at you

"fuck" you yelled to which steve just shook his head and said "language" everyone burst out laughing. it was a wonderful morning though. talking and then watching tv the whole day while eating candy with your lovely boyfriend and family. there weren't any missions as well to which you were grateful for, you didn't want to go on any anytime soon until...

"hey kid?" tony called after coming out of the elevator "yeah?" you asked after popping your head out from the fridge "come here" he said motioning to the living room to which you just followed and sat beside Loki "what is it?" you asked confused "ok so here's the thing. fury wants to meet you, he said he just wants to talk to you....ok?" he said looking at you for a reaction, you stared at him for a second "fury? you mean the guy with the spooky eye patch? director of shield??" you asked wide-eyed but Loki just chuckled after hearing the word 'spooky eye patch' and tony sighed and facepalmed "yes kid the spooky eye patch guy, but don't worry cause we're all coming with you k?" you thought for a minute before nodding your head hesitantly


an hour later you guys boarded the quinjet and left for S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. if you said you weren't nervous would be a lie cause your palm started to sweat and you held onto Loki for dear life cause for some reason that guy creeps you out "don't worry darling, I'll be with you the entire time hmm?" 

 "ok....he's creepy.." you said making him chuckle but you soon fell asleep in his arms after he made you sit on his lap for the ride


"ok love birds get up" tony yelled making you jump but laughed at his annoyed expression "and next time try to be a little quiet please?" at that you blushed a deep shade of red but all the jokes were cut off by someone standing in front of you with the same limiters Loki's wearing cause for some reason fury still want him to have em on "w-what?" you asked but was stoped when they forcefully made you wear them and pain instantly shot through you and you fell to the ground hissing in pain "ash what's wrong!?" Loki asked but then tony did too "Ashton??" you felt so weak "i-it burns" you started panting and that's when the teenager remembered something "guys! werewolves are allergic to silver" petter yelled and kneeled beside you, at that realization hit everyone and steve was furious "get it off him!" he yelled but it was too late cause soon darkness consumed you and the last thing you heard was Loki's worried voice calling you "Ashton?!"


you woke up on someone's lap but you also heard multiple voices yelling, you looked down and saw your bruised wrist with slight burn marks on them "you're up darling. are you ok?" you looked up to see Loki, and as always he's concerned "I'm fine...what happened? why is everyone yelling?" Loki gently kissed your forehead "nothing dear....just rest" but you couldn't rest while everyone was arguing about something

"!" tony hissed

 "do you even hear what you're saying stark!? he is from hydra, what if it's all a plan to get information from shield?!" at this point everyone was starting to get furious and you stood up from Loki's lap "he was literally dying there and he would have been dead if we didn't get there in time!!" tony yelled "he's telling the truth fury" Natasha said giving you a small smile


"monster?" you cut him off making everyone look at you "what am I huh? I won't say I haven't killed innocent people, but they made me do what I did back then, I had to watch as I killed them ok?! but if you think that I'm here for information and would go back to that hell hole then you can just kill me right now" Loki was right behind you holding your hand and at the word kill  he held you tighter while fury stood there skeptical of you

"so you're telling me you don't work for hydra." "no.i.dont......I was tortured there and experimented on for 17 years after having my parents killed in front of me, if it was you would you go back to a place like that?" you asked stepping towards him, agents pulled their guns out at you while he just stood there in thoughts staring at you and you did the same but your alfa eyes came out, and only one thing could be said about that which is your wolf feels like you both are being threatened so it's getting ready for anything that could happen. you growled at the agent behind him

"put your weapons down agents" and they did as told and you look back at him, he sighed "prove to me that your not working for hydra, and to do that help the team in their battles. go for missions and if you pass then maybe you could even become an avenger but if you kill any innocent or hurt anyone on the team. you....will be held in" you thought for a minute before agreeing "deal" 

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