Chapter 6: So, You're the Black Swordsman?

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Fuck you! What if Asuna did wake up, Kazuto, and she found out that you had killed yourself? Did you ever stop and think about how that would make her feel? How broken she would feel? Imagine waking up and learning that the person you were looking forward to seeing the most was gone and that you would never see them, again! How is that fair to her?

Replaying my sister's words in my head only made me feel worse about myself as I sat inside of Asuna's hospital room in the usual chair that I sat in. Asuna looked as pale and sickly as she did the last time but, somehow, still managed to keep most of her beauty and grace. Then again, the facility she was in was a lot better than the one my parents could afford. I guess it was an advantage of being from a wealthier family. That was another thing. If Asuna learned that I came from a poorer family...would that turn her away too? No, Asuna wouldn't care about something like that. My neck began to itch where the rope burn was but I knew I couldn't itch it because the doctor warned me that it would make it worse. Unfortunately, Midori hadn't bought me any shirts that covered the mark on my neck, yet, but, at the very least, I didn't have to return to school for another day. This meant that the black shirt I was currently wearing didn't do anything to cover up the nasty mark on my neck that was a constant reminder of my own weakness. As much as I hated to admit it, Suguha was right. It was selfish of me to try and take the easy way out. I didn't even stop to consider the effect it would have on my family or Asuna for that matter. It's just without her...felt empty...purposeless...and I hated living it. Being inside of Asuna's hospital room was the first time that I wasn't being watched by my Aunt and Uncle or Suguha. I begged Suguha to let me just go to the hospital by myself and she, reluctantly, allowed me too. I took Asuna's hand and held it. The warmth that I got from hers took my mind off my own depressing thoughts for a second, until I heard the door to the hospital room open. While still holding Asuna's hand, I craned my neck to see who had entered the room and it was a young man, slightly older than me, with slicked back hair that was the same color as mine and black eyes. His tall and skinny frame was covered in a business suit that had a red tie; he wore a pair of brown glasses and had a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"I-I'm so sorry", he stuttered, nervously. "I-I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I work for Mr. Yuuki and he wanted me to deliver these flowers to his daughter since he couldn't make it today."

He works for Asuna's father? I thought to myself, remembering that Asuna's father was the head of a company called RECT Progress, a company that specialized in technological research. He seems harmless enough...a bit goofy but harmless.

I sighed and maintained my grasp on Asuna's small hand.

"No, you're not. You can go ahead and place them on that side of the bed next to the other ones", I responded, without looking at him.

The young man made his way past Asuna's bed and placed the flowers next to Asuna's bedside. For some reason, instead of leaving immediately, he turned to face me, after he was done placing the flowers by Asuna. He smiled at me, sincerely.

"I-I don't think I introduced myself, did I?" asked the man, awkwardly. "My name is Sugou. Are you a friend of Mr. Yuuki's daughter?"

I debated whether or not I wanted to engage in conversation but I gave in.

"My name is...Kazuto...I was stuck inside of SAO with Asuna", I answered, solemnly.

", you're the Black Swordsman that everyone talks about, right?" asked Sugou, excitedly.

There's that fucking nickname, again. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to escape it.

"You were quite the hero in that world...all of the people that woke up from SAO...they were saved because you were the one who beat the game. What a total bad ass."

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