Chapter 29: Kendo

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3 Years Ago:

"Come on, Kazuto, practice isn't over, yet", said a grisly voice as a younger Kazuto Kirigaya was on his knees, panting, from the Kendo practice him and his sister, Suguha, were doing. "Stand back up...this is pathetic."

"I-I can't...I'," responded Kazuto between his deep breaths. "My...body...aches...I don't do this...anymore, today."

Suguha's grandfather, an older man who had features similar to Suguha, shook his head in disappointment.

"So much complaining, that's all you do. It makes you look weak. Look at your sister. She's been doing the same training as you...maybe even more and she isn't crying like a baby. Be a man, Kazuto."

" so stupid!" yelled Kazuto, angrily. "I don't even care about're just always forcing it down Suguha and I's throats!"

"Watch it, boy," threatened Suguha's grandfather, gripping the practice Kendo sword he was using for demonstrations, tightly.

"The only reason that Suguha and I do this crap is because we're both afraid of you! That isn't fair to either of us, right, Suguha?"

Kazuto turned to his sister, who gulped and ignored his comment.

"Don't drag my granddaughter into this...she can speak for herself. And didn't I tell you to mind your tongue?"

"I don't care!" hollered back Kazuto as he stood up and confronted Suguha's grandfather. "I'm tired of living in fear of don't control my life! You aren't even my real grandfather!"

Suguha's grandfather sighed.

"How about this, Kazuto? Why don't you and I have a little sparring match? If you beat me, you never have to attend Kendo Training ever again but if I win, then you will endure the rest of today's session without any complaining."

Kazuto gritted his teeth and Suguha, who had kept quiet during the entire conversation, finally spoke up, "Why can't the two of you just get along? A sparring match isn't going to make anything two just have to learn to..."

"Don't worry, Suguha, I'll beat this grumpy old man," claimed Kazuto. "I'm not afraid of him, anymore."

"Pay close attention, Suguha," her grandfather instructed, calmly. "This will serve as your next lesson as well."

Suguha stormed off, annoyed, since nobody would listen to her and gave her grandad and Kazuto enough space to have their sparring match. Kazuto and her grandfather both held out their practice swords in front of them. Suguha could do nothing but watch on as her brother and grandfather had their petty squabble.

Why can't they just get along? thought Suguha as Kazuto and her grandfather charged towards one another.

The sound of the two practice swords hitting each other echoed throughout the dojo.

I can see where Kazuto is coming from, thought Suguha. Grandad is harsh, especially on him. It's clear that he just doesn't have the interest, nor the skill to succeed in Kendo. I don't know why grandad is forcing it upon him, regardless of this fact. He has to know that Kazuto doesn't have much promise, anyways, so why the hell does he care so much? Am I not enough? Why do Kazuto and I both have to be good at Kendo? Why can't grandad just be proud of me? I alone being good at Kendo isn't enough for him.

The fight between Kazuto and her grandfather was completely one sided. Kazuto was constantly on the defensive while her grandfather proved that he was far more experienced and skillful at every chance he could. It was hard for Suguha to tell what either of them were thinking since they were both wearing their head protector but just through Kazuto's demeanor, she could tell he was getting frustrated which was in stark contrast to her grandfather, who seemed just as calm and confident as when the fight started. The fight went on for a while, with Kazuto getting smacked in the head gear twice with her grandfather's practice sword, meaning that he needed only one more thrust or strike to win the match while Kazuto still needed to get three against her grandfather.

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