Chapter 11: I Need Your Help

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The lunch that I was having with my sister was most likely about two - three times as large as I would usually eat, even when I wasn't a malnourished skeleton. My sister wanted me to pack on as much weight as possible over the last week or so. It made sense. I wasn't in the right mindset or correct physical condition to save Asuna but now, I felt good, almost like my old self, again. I appreciated Suguha's help more than she could possibly imagine. Not only did she help me get my shit together but she also, had been training with me every day, enhancing my swordsman skills even further. Unfortunately, this only made the question I wanted to ask her even more awkward. She had already done so much for me. How could I possibly ask her for more?

"Big brother, if you have something to say, then you can just say it", Suguha claimed as she took a bite of the rather large sandwich that was sitting in front of her. "You look like you have a lot on your mind."

I sighed. She was as observant as ever.

"I...just really appreciate...everything that you've done for me over this last week. Putting up with my pathetic ass must have been tough for you, especially when I was at my worst. I...feel bad for the stress I put on and your parents both."

"You did give us all quite the scare", Suguha muttered. "To be honest, I never knew you were capable of doing something so extreme, Kazuto. It was partly my fault, though. I was by you and could see how sad you were every day but I never did anything...I could have, at the very least, talked to you and tried to make you feel better but...I was too focused on myself. I'm sorry as well."

Suguha placed her sandwich back on her plate and looked up at me and studied the nasty rope burn scar that was still on my neck.

"How's...the scar doing?" she asked, sadly.

"It's...a little better...still pretty noticeable, huh?"

I had pretty much given up on thinking that the scar around my neck would get any better but I wanted to stay as optimistic as I could for Suguha's sake.

" was able to get me a lot of tops that help cover it", I explained, hoping it would make Suguha feel better but her look of sadness didn't go away."

"That's good", was her only response.

" have a Nerve Gear now too, right? D-didn't you buy one when I was still...trapped in SAO?"

Suguha looked up at me in surprise.

"Y-yeah, I bought one not too long ago. As pathetic as it sounds, you being trapped in SAO made me wonder what it was about video games that interested you so much. Mom and dad bought me one, thinking it would make me feel better and help me take my mind off of my worry for you. I've played a couple of games on it and, to be honest, I think I finally understand why you've been so obsessed with video games over these last couple of years. The way you can get immersed in these worlds that aren't's amazing. Anyways, why are you asking?"

"Y-you've already done so much for me and I know that I'm a complete shit head for even asking this you could help Asuna? That bastard who has her mentioned that I could take five other people with me to whatever fucked up world he made...and, I'd feel a lot better if I knew that you had my back. I know this isn't your problem but..."

Suguha cut me off before I could finish my stupid self-pitying comment.

"Kazuto, we're family. Your problems are mine and vice versa. I know how much Asuna means to you and nothing would make me happier than to help you see her again. I have to say though, I don't know if my VR skills quite live up to my physical abilities in the real world. I'll do everything I can, though, Kazuto."

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