Chapter 30: The Duelist Fairy, Kenshi Pt. 2

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Suguha's and Kenshi's swords clashed into each other and both of them were pressing as hard as they could into the other. Despite how much she was trying, Suguha was at a strength disadvantage and Kenshi was able to shove her backwards, sending her off balance. Before she could recover, Kenshi slashed her right across the stomach, not giving her a chance to deflect the strike, sending her health down to 60%. Suguha slashed her green and gold sword at him as well but he rolled out of the way before the blade could touch him. There was now a small distance between the two and Suguha was already panting from how hard she had been fighting. It had felt like she had been dueling Kenshi for 30 minutes with neither of them being able to do much damage to the other. She was used to long matches with opponents in Kendo but this fight was something else entirely. Suguha glanced at Kenshi's health bar which read 80%. She was able to get a couple of slashes on him but, overall, they didn't add up to much damage. If the fight kept going, it was clear that she was going to run out of energy before him.

"You truly are a remarkable swordswoman," praised Kenshi, smiling, almost as if he was enjoying himself.

After his compliment, Kenshi dashed towards Suguha, again, and slashed his sword in several directions. Suguha was able to deflect his rapier each time but each strike pushed her farther and farther back and Kenshi's onslaught of slashes didn't seem to be slowing down. Eventually, one of the strikes managed to slash Suguha's side and she tumbled onto the floor of the castle, with her health sitting at 52%. The tip of Kenshi's rapier was pointed directly at Suguha's throat. He could have finished her off with ease but, instead, he hopped, backwards, giving her the chance to pick herself up.

Is this nothing more than a game to him? thought Suguha as a frown appeared on her face. He seems to be enjoying this. Game or not, his skills with the sword are way more impressive than any Kendo opponent I've faced.

Suguha picked herself up off of the floor of the castle and could sense her friends watching her from behind the green wall of light that was preventing them from interacting in the match. She didn't want to turn around to face them, not while she was doing so poorly during her fight with Kenshi.

"Are you ready to continue?" asked Kenshi, patiently.

Suguha simply nodded her head, yes, instead of talking to him.

This is just like that time Kazuto fought grandad, Suguha recalled. Grandad was always on the offensive and Kazuto never had the chance to even fight back. He was forced to be on the defensive the entire match and that was one of the main reasons that he lost. This fight is no different. He's been on the offensive nearly the entire time and the only hits I've landed on him have been me retaliating to strikes he's already landed. I can't afford to play defense the entire fight...I have to attack before he does.

Suguha dashed in Kenshi's direction and thrusted her sword directly at his throat but he sidestepped it with ease and Suguha moved right by him by accident, not making contact. Kenshi slashed Suguha's back since she had left herself wide open with her reckless attack. Suguha swung her sword backwards to try and hit her opponent, again, but Kenshi dodged and stabbed his rapier into her thigh, sending her health to 40%. Kenshi ripped his rapier out of her thigh and stepped away from her, quickly, creating distance between them once again.

Damn it, that was a reckless move on my part, realized Suguha. Why the hell am I doing so bad? Is it the pressure...could it be because I'm treating this fight differently than I would a Kendo match? Hm.

Suguha studied her green and gold one-handed sword for a second and then stared at Kenshi, who was patiently waiting for her to resume the fight.

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