Chapter 16: Try Not to Keep a Girl Waiting

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6 Months Before the SAO Incident:

Klein opened the door to his apartment with one hand while holding a bag of takeout with his other. He could barely keep his eyes open after a long day at his desk job. His back was sore and even just lifting the bag of takeout was hard on his biceps which were getting increasingly more fatigued, the more he had to hold it. He kicked his apartment door closed with his foot and made his way to the kitchen counter to place the bag of takeout on it, feeling instant relief when he did so.

"Ugh, finally made it", he muttered to himself.

Klein began taking the food he had picked up for himself and Kana out of the bag to get it ready to eat. He heard footsteps approach him and he sighed to himself, knowing what was about to happen.

"Shit", he mumbled to himself, quietly.

Once the footsteps were close enough to him, a brochure for an open house was plopped in front of him on the counter, showcasing a relatively nice looking two-bed room, two-bathroom apartment. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"It was too bad you couldn't make it", started Kana, who was standing behind Klein. "It was such a nice open house. You should have seen all of the space that it had for the two of us. Plus, since we'll be sharing a room, we'd even get to have a spare room for guests incase either of our parents wanted to stay over."

"Hm", was Klein's only response as he left the kitchen counter area and, immediately, opened his fridge to take out a beer.

"I got to talking to the realtor, who was giving me a tour and the price that she gave me is totally in our budget! Also, the living area is so nice. We can set up our gaming console, our blue ray player and..."

Kana continued to talk about the apartment while Klein was focused on opening his beer. He unscrewed the cap of the beer and took a sip of it. Kana frowned, once she realized that Klein wasn't paying attention to her.

"Klein, are you even listening to me? You haven't even said anything?"

Klein walked back towards the kitchen counter to place his beer on it.

"It sounds great", he said, unenthusiastically.

"You could at least try to sound like you care", claimed Kana. "I mean, it was bad enough that you canceled on me last minute and that I had to go to the open house by myself..."

"Not my fault", interrupted Klein. "Work. Can't be helped."

"I swear your work never gives you any breaks, Klein. You let them walk all over you. You always look so exhausted when you get home. When was the last time we played video games with each other, even? It feels like we haven't done that in forever."

"We aren't kids, anymore, Kana...I don't have time for stupid shit like that, anymore. I had to grow of us did."

"Oh, shut the fuck up, Klein", Kana responded, angrily. "Don't put your shit on me. It's your own fault that you're stuck in that shitty excuse for a job because you refuse to quit it and find something more enjoyable. Why don't you get a job in a field that you're genuinely interested in...find something that you're passionate about. I think you would be so much happier that way."

"Something I'm passionate about, huh? You mean like you and your fucking drawing? And exactly how much money has that been putting on the of us has to have an actual fucking job so that some actual money can be made. While you're making jack shit for your silly little drawings, I have to work overtime just so we can get a new place that I don't even fucking want. It's stupid!"

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