Chapter 15: The Fairy Brute, Takeshi Pt. 1

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5 Years Before SAO Incident:

25-year-old Klein or Ryoutarou Tsuboi, slowly, opened his eyes, waking up in his bed. Laying in front of him was a red headed girl three years younger than him, who was fast asleep, in front of him. Her eyes were closed and her short red hair was in her eyes. He smiled. Almost like she could sense that he was awake, the red-headed girl opened her bright blue eyes, sluggishly, and noticed that Klein was looking at her. She yawned.

"How long have you been awake", the red-headed girl asked, tiredly.

"Not too long", Klein responded, smiling. "It's not like we have to get up at any specific time. It's the weekend, after all."

"In that case, did you want to get a McDonald's breakfast and start playing that new JRPG that we picked up the other day?" the girl asked.

"Video games and McDonalds...that combination may be more appealing than sex", Klein joked, causing the red-headed girl to slam her pillow into his face, playfully.





"Klein, are you listening to me?" asked Kazuto as he led his teammates through the first floor of the massive castle.

For the most part, the first floor of the castle was pretty vacant and full of empty space, making the group question where all of the enemies were.

"Sorry, I was zoning out there for a second, Kirito", Klein answered, apologetically.

"I was saying that it's kind of weird that we haven't run into any enemies, yet. This first floor is pretty roomy but there hasn't been a single enemy. It's worrying."

"Maybe, they're hiding somewhere, waiting to ambush us?" Suggested Klein.

Kazuto nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Try to keep your head in the game just in case that happens, alright? I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Aw, I didn't realize you cared about me that much, Kirito", teased Klein, causing Kazuto to roll his eyes in annoyance.

Before Kazuto could respond, almost twenty enemies spawned on the first floor of the castle, startling the entire group. They were an unfamiliar type of enemy called a skeletal fairy. They were fairy-like creatures that were made up of nothing but bones. They had curved swords and wooden shields to protect them from incoming damage.

"Shit, here they come", interrupted Lisbeth as she drew her Mace, causing the others to follow her lead.

"I hope you're ready for this Klein", said Kazuto as Klein drew his Katana.

"Don't worry, my head's definitely in the game, now", Klein assured his friend, confidently.




3 Years Before SAO Incident:

"What the actual fuck was that boss fight?" complained a red-headed girl, who was Klein's girlfriend, Kana.

She had black glasses on her eyes to help her see the video game that she was playing with Klein. Since she had a minute to spare, she took a large bite out of the small breakfast sandwich that she picked up from McDonalds.

"That boss fight was kind of grindy, for sure", complained Klein. "My fingers are kind of sore."

"Yeah, I think I need a little break after that one."

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