Chapter 36: Kirito vs. Sugou Pt. 3

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As soon as my eyes turned yellow, it was as if time around me slowed down and I had restored like 75% of my energy levels. I took a deep breath and then time sped up back to normal. I split one of the arrows that was shot at me right down the middle with Asuna's rapier, splitting it into two perfect halves which grazed by my hair and missed me. I then used my Dark Repulser to deflect the other arrow, sending it directly at the Elvin Knight, who shot it at me...specifically, right at his throat. The arrow struck the Elvin Knight's throat, sending his health immediately down to 0% and caused his body to shatter into tiny blue particles.

11 left, I thought to myself.

One of the other Elvin Knights swung his giant spear directly at me but I ducked before it could land and I quickly slashed his throat once with my Dark Repulser and then finished him off with a strike to his nape, using Asuna's rapier which was enough to send his health down to 0%.

10 left.

Two more Elvin Knights, each with a one-handed sword equipped, swung their weapons at me and I blocked both of the strikes with the two swords that I was holding. I rammed my foot in the right leg of one of the Elvin Knights, causing him to bend down. While he was bent down, I made an X shape with my two swords, placed them in front of his throat and decapitated him in one brutal and crisp motion. The other Elvin Knight grabbed my Coat of Midnight to try and hold me back while another one of the enemies came charging at me with a spear. The enemy with the spear thrusted his weapon right at me while the other one had a death grip on my Coat of Midnight. Not having any other option, I allowed the Elvin Knight to completely pull my coat off but then tugged the coat in my direction using all of my strength so that the Elvin Knight was now in front of me. The other enemy's spear rammed right into his throat instead of mine, causing him to drop my Coat. While the other Elvin Knight began to panic because of accidentally killing one of his own, I put on my Coat of Midnight and used the distraction to my advantage. I used both of my swords to slice his throat several times, more and more blood splattering with each strike. All of the enemies that I had just defeated shattered into tiny blue polygonal shards.

7 left.

My eyes were still yellow, indicating that the awakening skill was still going but I was beginning to feel slightly fatigued but I knew that I didn't have time to pay that any mind. There was still more than half of the Elvin Knights and Sugou, himself, left to deal with. I sensed another arrow heading my way and this time, I was a little too late with my dodge and it managed to graze the tip of my shoulder, causing my health to shoot down to 4%. Before I could be frustrated about this, my face was about to smacked with a shield. I blocked and parried the shield with my Dark Repulser and then slid Asuna's rapier straight through the Elvin Knight's throat, grabbed the sharp end that was sticking out the other side of the Elvin Knight's neck, twisted with all my might and decapitated the enemy, resulting in his bloody head splattering on the floor of the castle.

6 left. I need to take care of that damn archer.

Unfortunately, at the moment, the archer was the least of my worries because three of the remaining Elvin Knights were headed my way, one with a spear and two with one-handed swords. I threw Asuna's rapier at one of the Elvin Knight's throat and it pierced the flesh of his neck, perfectly. I thrusted my knuckles into the exposed jugular of one of the other knights, causing him to choke on his own blood. I then got the Elvin Knight in a sleeper hold and, ruthlessly, snapped his neck, dropping his health down to 0%. I could sense that the third Elvin Knight was slashing his spear at me and I attempted to side-step out of the way but the tip of the spear managed to slash the side of my thigh, dropping my own health down to 3%. The same Elvin Knight thrusted his spear at my stomach but I leaped into the air, landed on the tip of the spear, causing it clang against the castle floor and completely severed the Elvin Knight's head with one strike of my Dark Repulser. As his head rolled onto the floor, I turned my attention to the Elvin Knight that still had Asuna's rapier stuck in his throat. It looked as though his head was barely attached to his neck at this point so I jumped into the air, did a spin in mid-air, and round-house kicked the Elvin Knight's head clean off his body, blood splattering on the wall next to him. As the Elvin Knight's shattered into tiny blue polygonal shards I, internally, counted how many Elvin Knights were left.

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