X Factor

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"Y/N- Y/N!" yelled Mum while shaking me abruptly awake.

I looked over at my alarm clock and groaned, "Why are you waking me up, it's 4 am".

"Right, but you have the X Factor Audition and we need to leave by 6 if we want to make it to Dublin a bit early," she said opening the curtains.


I bolted out of bed and hurried over to the bathroom. Today was one of the biggest auditions of my life. My stomach felt like it did multiple cartwheels. I've always dreamt of going to the X-Factor. Singing was a great passion of mine since I was very young. Having most of my family take professions in the Science and STEM fields, the idea was rejected at first but eventually, my parents told me to follow my passions and signed me up with a vocal coach, and today was finally the day to prove myself.

I brushed my teeth, took a nice warm shower, and threw on a pair of jeggings, a white blouse, and a cute little necklace, combing my hair as neat as I could since we were going to be on television.

"Excited?" asked my dad as I stepped into the kitchen for breakfast.

"More like freaking out, but sure." I smiled.

"Don't worry, you'll do amazing! You've been practising for weeks," said my mum, handing me some waffles and a smoothie.

"Well- What if I don't get in?" I asked, staring intensely at my fork. The thought of getting rejected destroyed every little shred of confidence I had built up.

"If you don't, then we'll look up to that later. Focus on the present, and either way, everything will be alright. Just give them your best."

After breakfast, we immediately started off for a 3-hour car ride to Auditions. Most of the time I just listened to the music and did a short rehearsal.

I was a moderately shy kid. Didn't have many friends and was barely even close to popularity. People knew me as the weird smart girl at school. Even though my passion was singing, I liked to keep a strong education - which is why I'm one of the school's top students. Often I got a little hate for it, but I didn't really care. I know my worth and am not defined by a mere label. Other than this, I wasn't like your "typical teenager". I didn't have social media, nor did I like it. I didn't follow the "hottest new trends" or watch many movies. I did things as to my likings and liked more old fashioned and minimalistic things. I loved reading books, skateboarding and hated wearing makeup. What was the need to cover up our natural face with chemicals and random rubbish of the sort? 

We arrived at the auditions in Dublin and made our way to an extremely long line. I could only imagine how long we'd have to wait if we had come any later. I waited patiently, looking around at the other contestants until we were finally up at the front. After getting my number, I waited nervously for my name to be called out in order to make my way out to the stage and face the judges - including the Simon Cowell.

I fiddled with my fingers and stared at the floor until it was my turn to go next.

"You'll do just fine Y/N, just show them what you can do." smiled Mum.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" asked a lady with a clipboard and earpiece. "You're up."

I let out a deep breath and made my way out to the stage, nearly blinded by the spotlights.

"Hello!" smiled Louis Walsh.

"Hi.." I said as confident as I could despite the fact that my insides were slowly crumbling down by the minute.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N" I replied.

"Now, Y/N, why do you have an American Accent?" asked Simon curiously.

"I grew up in Los Angeles but moved to the UK just 3 years ago," I said smiling.

"How old are you?"

"16" I replied as I heard the audience slightly cheering.

"Alright then, let's see what you can do," smiled Cher.

The beginning of 'I Will Survive' began to play and I sang through the lyrics with ease. In other cases, I'd say I gave it my best. I looked out to see the audience applauding once I finished and a smile on the judges faces.

"Louis, would you like to start us off?" asked Simon.

"I think your voice is great! You have great high notes and you're just so talented for your age for a sixteen-year-old. I'd have to give you a yes." finished Louis enthusiastically as I managed to squeak out a small 'Thank You'.


She looked up at me and started,"Your voice is great, but I just don't think you have enough experience yet - I mean you're only sixteen!"

The audience gave a loud wave of 'boos' and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. This cannot be happening...

"I'm sorry, but it's a no from me." she smiled sadly. I smiled back, trying to make it convincing that I was not on the brink of tears.

Lastly, it was Simon's turn. It was either a yes or no away from determining if I'd be staying in the competition, or if I'm out.

"You have lots of charisma, and I think with a little bit more practice you could become a great singer one day. So it's a yes from me," he said.

I felt a wave of delight wash over me as I heard the audience start applauding once more.

"Thank You so much!" I said, smiling so hard I could swear my face was starting to hurt as I walked off backstage to find myself enveloped in hugs.

This was just the beginning...

𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖕 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 || One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now