Terrible Trouble

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It was everywhere.

Gossip articles. News Tabloids. You name it.

"Popstar Sensation Y/N L/N collapses dramatically on a day out with band members, One Direction..." I looked down at the screen.

'News sources tell us, it could be fatal to her health condition and could pose a risk to her safety.'

'Many believe the teenage star struggles with anxiety issues and is seriously ill...'

'L/N was last seen rushed over to the Sunny Ville hospital moments after her tragic heart attack, we hope for her speedy recovery.'

"Those damn paparazzi are everywhere!" said Louis. "We can't even have a day out without being followed around like pests."

"Not to mention all the conspiracy theories being passed around," said Liam, referring to the rumours of me having various different health issues.

"Why do people care so much over the fact that I fainted," I scoffed. "It's not like anything serious happened."

All we wanted was a shred of privacy but I guess we couldn't have that anymore....

And that was one thing I would probably never get used to.

"Simon wants us to clear the rumours and all in the interview this evening," said Harry. "We should probably start getting ready."

I quickly logged onto Twitter to get a mix of messages and tweets from friends and fans - mostly hopes for me to get better while others thought this was another stunt of mine to draw attention from the media.

Harry took my phone away gently and glanced at the comments I was reading. Probably already suspected it as he took notice of my gloomy expression.

He looked up at me and asked softly, "Why do you keep letting yourself down like this?"

I shrugged. "I dunno, it just happens."

"If you keep reading these," he continued. "I'll eat all of your ice cream."

"You wouldn't dare!" I played along.

"I will," he smirked.


"So, Y/N- how are you feeling?" asked the interviewer.

"Better, thanks for asking." I smiled.

"So we're all aware of all the rumours going around since the incident you had last weekend," he continued. "If you don't mind..."

"No - I just had a really bad migraine. It wasn't anything huge but it did cause me to blackout for a few hours." I said, acting unbothered. "But I'm fine now so it's alright."

"Well that's glad to hear - say, do you happen to struggle with mental illness at all?"

"Other than the fact that I do tend to get anxious at times, no I don't think so,"

"Very well then..." they trailed off as my mind went back to the thought about the messages and the dark hooded figure glaring at me across the street. Sure there were probably many people who hated me,  but none of whom I know of as a close friend. They clearly know what they're doing - following me around and all. But how did they get my number?...

I looked over and my mind couldn't come around to the fact that Zayn was becoming tenser by the day. He didn't talk to us much anymore. Always slouched away on his phone or doing his own thing. It's like he kept avoiding us but I didn't know why.

"I think this album, FOUR, was very innovative- I mean we've worked really hard on it..." said Harry as he leaned back into the couch and ran his fingers through his long hair. My eyes travelled over his face and god you could just kiss him right there and then-

I snapped myself out of it. What was I thinking?! He's my best friend ...

But I won't deny the fact that he is hot.

When Harry first told me he wanted to grow out his hair I was BEYOND happy. I could finally have someone's hair to braid - as my previous attempts at Louis's hair did not work out successfully. I even gave him hair lessons, so that maybe one day, he would do my hair for me without messing it up and winding up with 8 hair ties, 3 scrunchies, and 7 hair clips in it.

𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖕 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 || One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now