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I stirred awake as my eyes met with the cold darkness of the room.

Was it all a dream?

I glanced at my alarm clock. 4 am.

After realising that I probably wasn't going to fall asleep any time soon, I got up and made my way over to the bathroom.

It all seemed too real to be a dream...

I pondered on the memories as they came flashing back. Whatever it was, it felt like I've been sleeping for days.

Deciding not to think about it too hard, I concluded that it must've been a silly dream - though my instincts said otherwise. Heading out after getting ready for the day, I walked over to find two friends of mine still sleeping soundly. Seeing as it was 6 am, I decided to wake them up early, being the amazing friend that I am.

I set three of our phones, along with the digital alarm, ready to go off in approximately 2 minutes, each at top volume.

Covering my ears, loud noises filled the room as both Harry and Louis jumped awake frantically at the unexpected outburst.

"The bloody hell-" stated a sleepy Louis.

"Good Morning to you too," I smiled. "Now wake up it's 6," I said as the boys groaned.

"Sleep well?" said Liam as the six of us headed down with other crew members to get breakfast.

"Yeah, until someone decided to wake us up rather abruptly," said Harry looking at me as I put my hands up.

"In my defence, I had nothing else to do."

"Aw man- you should've woken me up, I wanted to see that," laughed Zayn as he gave me a high-five.

"Oh yeah, you will soon mate," grinned Louis. There was no way that he was going to let us off the hook this time.

All throughout breakfast, I kept zoning in and out of the conversation as my mind kept drifting off to the dream I had earlier. Who was that man?


"Yeah?" I said, my head snapping up immediately.

"You okay? You're acting a bit different-" said Liam.

"No, I'm fine..." I said and Harry passed me a strange look.

The first half of the day was spent on meet and greets. They were amazing. We got to meet so many of our fans and talk to them personally (that is the one's who aren't squealing, sweating, or breathing the life out of them).

And next, Interviews.

"So Y/N - I'm sure every girl out in the world must be absolutely dying to be you any day!" said the interviewer - who seemed to be a very annoying middle-aged lady who just wanted answers out of us for publicity reasons. I tried to avoid interviewers like her and tempted myself to try and not roll my eyes. 

I simply laughed. "I mean, I wouldn't put it that way-"

"Tell us, what's it like hanging out with these boys 24/7?" she smiled crookedly. It was getting creepy at this point. "Any romances going on?"

Mustering the world's best fake smile, I replied, "No, we're all just very good friends. These boys are like my brothers."

"Oh come on! You know you can tell us anything!"

"I'm being honest."

"So there's nothing going on between you and Harry?"

I was slightly taken aback by this question. I mean, sure I had read millions of fan tweets shipping me and the boys around - but I've never been asked about it personally before.

I could have sworn the boys were smirking like idiots at this point.

"I can guarantee you, there isn't."

"Whatever you say..."

"I ship it," said Louis as we were driving back to the hotel.


"You and Harry!" he laughed. I joined him.

"Please! We all know he's taken..."

"By who?" asked Niall looking at Harry confusingly.

"Louis," I said smiling.

"You're a Larry shipper now?" Louis said.

"The biggest one there is." I sassily remarked.

"Alright, game on..."

Since the boys and I spend almost every hour of our lives with each other, and as the tour was slowly starting to wrap up - management suggested we all bought a house together.

Which we did.

It was a secret location in Los Angeles, where it wouldn't be easily found by paparazzi. We were more than excited about it. With a cosy living room, kitchen, personal bathrooms, our own bedrooms, everything! Wasn't too big, nor was it too small.

It was perfect

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It was perfect.

Why wouldn't it be fun, living with 5 best friends in the house of your dreams?

𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖕 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 || One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now