Up All Night

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Ever since we released 'What makes you beautiful' back in 2011, our fanbase has increased dramatically. We hit the top charts and it came as a great shock to us all. Since we've signed the record deal, we've become teenage pop stars with tons of millions of fans. Our dream finally came true...

As friendly as I thought management would be, it was a bit of the opposite. We were limited to do things the way we wanted, and they made us work ten times harder. I guess that's how it's going to be from now on.

"Y/N come on we're going to be late," said Niall.

"I'm coming!" I said running down the staircase of the One Direction house me and the boys shared. We figured since we're all pretty good friends and bandmates, buying a house would be convenient since we go everywhere together anyways.

We hopped in the car with Louis and Liam in the front, Harry and I in the middle, and Niall and Zayn in the back.

"What does management want this time?" groaned Zayn as he fastened his seatbelt.

"Probably just another revision of the upcoming tour dates and all," said Liam assuringly.

We just finished and released our first album 'Up All Night' a few weeks ago and were getting ready for our first-ever Europe tour. You have literally no idea how excited I am. I mean, we'd get to put on actual concerts.

"We want you guys to play different roles in the band," said Jack, one of our managers.

"What do you mean?" said Zayn.

"Like different personalities, with different styles of clothing. We've had a couple of ideas for each of you..."

"Shouldn't we just be ourselves?" asked Niall.

"That wouldn't draw much attraction from the other teenagers would it now?" smiled Jack. I wanted to hit that man in the face right then. What are we, objects for display?

"You want us to lie about ourselves, to the fans?" I asked.

"Well- technically, yes,"

We shared glances with one another and something told me this wasn't going to be a good idea.

"Absolutely not," said Harry

"It wasn't a request, Styles. Neither is it for the rest of you, said Jack, his tone changing to a sudden stern one. "I've assigned you all roles and you must act accordingly. Let's discuss this one by one, shall we?"

We were called in privately into a separate room and neither of us were quite happy about the situation. It shouldn't be that bad, right?


I went inside the room and sat myself down on the plush white chairs. I looked out the window to my right that gave an overview of London. It was quite the sight I'll tell you that. I would've been enjoying it at the moment if I hadn't got this whole "personality" crap to deal with.

"So, since you're the only girl in the band, we've decided to make you appear more attractive to a male audience," Jack continued. "You're going to be the more feisty, precious, but dangerous one."

"So you basically want me to act both cute and sassy?" I asked.

"Exactly! Now for your clothing..." Jack said bringing over a list of various different clothing items, all appearing to have a bit more cleavage.

"You'd be prefered to be wear outfits a bit more revealing-"

"I'm not comfortable with that." I said sternly. There was no way in hell I was going to be running around in super cropped tops and booty cut shorts.

"And why is that?" he asked, eyebrows raised in amusement.

"My body is not for display. I'll make exceptions for the personality thing, but I will not wear clothes that I don't approve of personally," I glared him in the eye harshly.

"I'm sorry Y/L/N, but you don't have a choice."

"With all due respect sir, that's violating my civil rights," I replied, mustering up as much courage as I could. "Unless you'd want a lawsuit."

Jack thought about it for a bit at the mention of it. The air in the room was tense as a wave of silence took over, and minutes started to feel like hours.

"I suppose we could make some exceptions and style your wardrobe according to your current fashion," he said, putting on the world's fakest smile.

I walked out of the office and back to the car, pissed off that they didn't even hesitate for one minute before deciding to objectify us. We're humans too. We have feelings and character much like anyone else on this planet, but of course, management wouldn't really care would they? Not as long as they get their money.

It's ridiculous, the concept of money. People are driven to power because of it. It builds craze, selfishness. It can even drive someone to throw away family. Feelings. Emotions. Everything. All for a piece of paper. Yet we still need it for surviving in modern-day society.

This world is driven by money, for money, on money.


Hi guys! Hope you like the story so far :)

I'm working on it since I'm reallyyyyyy bored and school starts soon, so I might not be updating as often. It may seem a bit boring now, but it'll get better as it goes on. We're just getting started.

Anyways, if you have any suggestions or comments on what should happen next, I'm open to all opinions so please do share them with me. Otherwise, I hope you all are having a great summer so far!

Stay Safe. Stay Smart. Stay Gorgeous. :D

- BOBAloveOfficial x

𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖕 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 || One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now