Truth Or Dare

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No calls. No texts. No visits. Nothing.

He promised...

"Lads, cheer up," said Louis on our way back from the studio. "Maybe he's just taking time off."

We decided to give him space. But for now, we had to focus on what direction we're actually going in. Ironic isn't it?

We were currently on our tour bus, continuing the On the Road Again tour. The show must go on.

Though it was small, it felt somewhat like home. It was cosy, as we all had our small little bunks, wrapped up in fuzzy blankets and chatting for hours. I wanted to be here forever.

I found myself slowly starting to dose off despite the boys reckless and loud conversations.


"I know who you are," I looked up into his eyes as his face was mere inches away, hot breath fanning against my lips. "Harry..."

He looked at me and smiled, his little dimples popping out on the side of his cheeks.


I felt chills run down my spine. I've never heard anyone say my name as charming as he.

I was falling for him. Deeply.

I felt his lips brush against mine, ever so delicately. Until he was abruptly thrown against the wall. I looked up in shock as I saw a big red bruise at the top of his forehead. I turned my head and sent a death glare up to the one human being I had hated the most.

It was Eric.

"What the hell was that for?!" said Harry, his green irises darting up to Eric and forming a strong battle of tension between the two.

"For getting all cosy with my lady you brute!" he said, grabbing my arm but I harshly pulled away.

"Don't touch me," I said as Harry walked over to the pair of us. "And I am not your girl."

"Well that's a shame," scoffed Eric and plastering that stupid smirk of his. "I guess you don't really have a choice do you?"

Harry tightened his grip on my arm and slowly pulled me behind him.


"I mean it's only every girl's dream in this town to get with...all of this."

I laughed. "You must be dreaming. And what makes you think I'd belong with a bloody prick like you?"

"Step out of it lad." glared Harry. "She's out of your league."

"Don't tell me where my league is you bastard," yelled Eric. "You couldn't even afford a sixpence"

"Harry" I whispered. "Let's go"

He looked back up at him. "Fuck off and leave her alone Eric."

I tugged on his arm and quickly dragged him along until Eric was out of sight. We walked through a random path through the town as the sun was starting to set in the distance.

"Do you know him?" I asked, curiosity developing through the silence.

He sighed. "He's my step-brother."

I could have sworn I felt my jaw drop. Eric was the guy who started hitting on me since we were 5. He never left me alone since.

"After my father died, he left all he had to my stepmother. She was a cruel lady," he said. "She kicked me and my sister out on the streets in front of everyone when I was 10. I was so humiliated..."

𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖕 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 || One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now