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"What did he give you?" asked Niall as I entered the car.

I recited our entire conversation to the boys. Apparently, Zayn has to be the 'mysterious one', Harry the 'flirt', Niall the 'cute one', Louis the 'funny one', and Liam the 'protective one'.

To be honest, the changes weren't that different for Niall, Louis, and Liam - unlike the rest of us. We've got a long way to go.

Soon we arrived at a big shopping complex since we still had to buy more clothes and necessities for the upcoming tour.

"Management said I've got to wear striped clothes," said Louis, looking over and selecting a few shirts, all in different colours. "Not the best, but it'll do."

"No, but you rock it mate," said Liam. "I've got to wear plaid."

I went over to the girl's section after helping Harry decide between different blazers and outfits. I stuck to my typical fashion style - anything comfortable would have to do. Buying a couple pairs of jeans, sweatshirts, and trousers, I went back over to the boys and waited alongside Niall.


"Yeah, just bought these pairs," I said, leaning back against the clothing racks as we waited, watching the boys run around browsing for clothing options. They sure did take lots of time shopping.

While Niall and I were chatting, a couple of fans asked if they could take selfies with us. We agreed to do so, but by the time we were finished, there was a herd of fans surrounding the shops' exterior, yelling each of our names as the mall security blocked them from entering the building.

"How are we going to get out?" Niall yelled over the noise.

"I'll call Paul to come pick us up," said Harry reaching for his phone.

"We're saved!" Louis said once Paul and his security crew finally arrived a couple minutes later.

"We've got to get you guys out of here and into the van before the fans start breaking down the windows," said Paul. "You all go out two by two accompanied by the security guards, understood?"

Zayn and Liam were sent out first, Niall and Harry second, and Louis and I last. We slowly pushed our way through the crowd accompanied by guards, and I wasn't even sure where I was going anymore as I tugged along through the high pitched screams. I felt hands grab me by the hair and pull them out as I shrieked. It hurt like hell and my head was suddenly pounding with a headache.

"You don't belong here!"

"She can't even sing"

"Nobody loves you"

"You're just a worthless piece of shi-"

"Y/N?" I heard Louis voice beside me as we rushed into the van. "Y/N you alright?"

I looked up. A tear trickled down my face but I quickly wiped it away. "Yeah, just got a few hairs pulled out that's all."

"That was crazy back there!" said Zayn.

"I don't think I can feel my face anymore," said Harry rubbing his cheeks.

I blocked out the rest of the conversation as I thought deeply to myself. My head throbbed continuously, and I didn't know why, but I needed to lay down.

Once we got home I rushed upstairs and shut my bedroom door, throwing the curtains closed and plopping down on the bed. Why do they hate me so much? I never really cared for how people perceived me until now. Was I really that bad?

I logged onto Twitter and searched through comments being made about me - most of them being hate. I was called many things that I just couldn't name. People thought that I was either in a relationship with each of the boys or just being used to attract more male fans -

"Y/N" I heard on the other side of the door.

"Come in," I squeaked as I stashed my phone under the pillows. Louis stepped into the room, looks of concern visible on his face.

"I heard the comments they were saying about you back there you know..."

He stood there for a while looking at me before continuing, "Don't let them get to your head. They're just jealous-"

"They hate me," I said. "Many of them do."

"You're stronger than this love."

"Yeah, but when you get that much hate-"

"Listen," he said, sitting down on the bed next to me. "We can't change the way people think about us. It's their opinion. If you were to change the person you are today just to be more likeable, you'll be putting too much effort to be someone you're not for no good reason.

"No matter who you are, where you're from, or how many friends you have, you're always going to have the ones who love you, and the ones who hate you." he finished. There was a short silence.

"But it's really the ones who love you that matter."

I smiled at him. "When did you get so wise Tommo?"

"Well let's just say...I've lived many years," he said dramatically. I laughed.

"Looks like you've become an old man"

"Watch your mouth young lady!" he snapped playfully. "Now come on, we're all playing Fifa downstairs."

𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖕 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 || One Direction Sixth MemberWhere stories live. Discover now