Chapter 6 (FLUFF)

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Tomorrow I was finally going to meet Louis family.

I was quite nervous but Louis told me so many times that they would love me and I really hoped so.

We lived in LA and Louis family in London so we had to get there by plane.

We'd stay there for a week.

I didn't have school then so we decided to go there at this time. Over the weekend would have been too stressfull so we changed our plans.

The fact that I wasn't in a plane ever before was the real problem I had to be honest.

I was scared of traveling by plane but I didn't want to ruin everything.

I wanted to meet Louis family too, so badly and I could just hope that they liked me.

If not....I didn't know what we were going to do but I guessed that wouldn't change a thing.

I loved Louis. And I knew I couldn't handle living without him. He gave me the feeling of comfort, love and confidence.

I was always so happy when I was with him.

Okay, the one fight we had wasn't the day I felt the most comfortable and happy but we'd just forget it happened.

We were both happy.

Louis picked me up from my house and I waved Mom as I got in his car.

„Text me, okay?" She checked on me worriedly while we were waiting for Louis earlier.

I nodded.

„I promise you, mom, I'll text you. I guess Louis parents aren't going to kidnap me so I'll be fine."

Mom sighed a bit.

„I know but I'm not really okay with the fact that you'll be at the other side of the world for a whole week now! Text me everyday, yeah? When you're arriving and when you've meet them, call me. It doesn't matter if it's at night! Just do it! I know that the time there's different than here so- just call me, okay?"

I interrupted her.

„Mom. I'm 17. Louis is 23. I'm not going to die, I'm not going to get kidnapped, the plane isn't going to crash so I'll be fine. Just let me have some fun. Meeting Louis family's very important to me. And I want to do that now."

Mom slowly nodded, sighing before smiling at me, warmly.

„I know, Cupcake. I'm so proud of you and I love you, just never forget that, okay?"

She had tears in her eyes and I nodded.

„Thank you, mom. I won't. I love you too."


„Harry, the plane takes off in 20 minutes! We have to hurry up, come on!"

I took my boyfriend's hand and pulled him with me.

He definitely didn't feel comfortable between all the people here but me too. I hated being around many people and the worst thing was when they all look at you.

I hated it. Why couldn't it be just normal?

Why couldn't Harry and I and all the other ‚different' people out there, not be treaten like the others?

It wasn't fair.

We were people like all the others. Just because I loved Harry didn't mean that we were different or couldn't be treaten like normal people.

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