Chapter 19 (LONG SMUT)

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I gulped.

„Yeah? What's wrong, baby?" Louis mumbled, looking up at me from the papers he worked on.

„Do you- Do you like the way we have sex?"

Louis looked at me shocked for a moment.

„Why are you asking that?!"

„Because I'm sure your other boyfriends before me weren't so inexpirienced. I'm just asking."

I gulped, feeling uncomfortable.

„Harry." Louis sighed. „You're the best boyfriend I ever had. Don't think about not beeing enough."

„But I believe that you weren't that gentle with your other boyfriends all the time. You can tell me if I'm not enough."

I sniffed.

„Harry, you- Oh my god! Don't you dare to think that! You're more than enough! You're perfect! I love you the way you are!"

„You still haven't answered the question."

Louis was silent for a while and I nodded.

„You can show me what it was like with the others. I want you to, Lou."

„Harry...." Louis sighed and ran through his hair, pushing away the paper work he has been doing.

Please, daddy." I whined.



How can he be so innocent and then within a few seconds he calls you Daddy?!

He'll be the reason for my death one day.

100 percent.

I toped with my earlier boyfriends but I bottomed with my last which ended in myself getting raped.

I went to therapy and I was quite over it but it'd always be part of my past and I can't erase it although I really want to do that.

I bit my lip.

„What a naughty boy you are."

Harry eagerly nodded.

„A very naughty boy, daddy."

Oh, fuck. He had no idea in how much trouble he brought himself into.

I sat up and stopped right infront of him.

Harry looked at me with wide innocent eyes and I growled and made him stumble back against the wall.

Harry whined. „I need to be punished, daddy."

„Yeah? You want daddy to punish you?" I asked him darkly while bending down to his neck.

„Yeah, daddy. Please. Punish me. I was beeing a bad boy."

I bit my lip as I pulled away again.

„Okay. I'll show you the other side of Louis. The dark, dangerous one."

I whispered, bending down to his ear.

A whimper escaped his lips and I smiled a bit.

„Are you really sure you want that, Harry?"

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