Chapter 14 (FLUFF / SMUT)

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I spend the week-end at Louis'.

He was in the kitchen, chooking some pancakes for us as I sneeked in and hugged him from behind, making him jump a little in shock.

„Oh my- Harry!" He gasped and I giggled.

„Yeah, it's me. Harry."

Louis rolled his eyes a bit while patting my hair and I looked up at him, happily.

„Are you alright?"

I nodded and snuggled myself onto him.

„Sure. I'm so happy to have you back."

„Me too, baby. It's cute you say that." Louis laughed and I cheekly grinned.

„I know. I mean- I'm cute."

Louis hold back a laugh.

„Sure. You're the cutest 17 years old I've ever meet."


Louis shook his head at me.

„You're so cheeky, Harry. From who did you learn that, mhm?"

He cupped my face in his hands.

„From you, Lou."

I giggled and bit my lip at the shocked look on his face.

„From me?!" He asked.

I again nodded. „From you."


„The pancakes tasted amazing, Lou."

I smiled at him and Louis grinned.

„I made them with a lot of love, maybe that was the reason, baby."

I melted at that and quietly started sobbing a bit.

„How do I even deserve you, Lou?"
I cryed and Louis looked at me with a shocked expression as he was pressing me to his chest tighthly the next second.

„Don't cry, please! It's alright!"

Louis soothed me and I cryed even more.

„I'm sorry!" I whined after I called down a bit and carefully pushed Louis away a bit.

„No, no, don't be sorry, Hazza! You did nothing wrong. It's fine. Really." Louis promised me and I sobbed a bit more.

„I'm crying again and I don't even want to! It's so embarassing!"

I sniffed.

„No! Don't ever say that again! It's okay to cry, baby! You can cry whenever you want! I'll always be there for you! Always!" Louis promised me and I cryed even more.

How did I even deserve him? He was so perfect!

And I behaved like a fucking baby.

You can cry whenever you want.

That was so cute.

„I love you so much, Lou. Please never leave me, okay?" I sobbed against his chest and looked up at him.

„I won't I promise you, Harry. Never ever."

/10 minutes later/

I pressed myself against Lou while we watched TV on the couch at 2 pm because it rained outside.

I had an idea while laying above him, snuggling against him more tightly.

„Lou..." I whispered and looked up at him.

„What's wrong, Haz?" Louis asked, a bit out of thoughts.

„Can I give you a blowjob, daddy?"

Louis was silent for a few moments as I already jumped up and opened his jeans and went to the waistband of his boxers to pull them off, grinning, proudly.

„You- you're killing me!" He finally breathed and I grinned as I pulled his leaking member out.

I licked over my lips hungrily as I licked his tip a bit.

„Fuck, baby. You can't just say things like that out of nowhere!"

Louis cursed and arched his back a bit.

„I can as you see." I grinned and he let out a dark growl as he quickly grabbed for my hair and pulled me nearer onto him so that he slipped into my wet mouth fully.

„Fuck!" Louis cursed and I bobbed my head up and down.

That was too slow for Louis obviously and so he pulled my curls tighter so he slipped even further into me, making me gag.

„Shit, I'm sorry, baby!" Louis breathed, loosening his grip a bit but I shook my head.

„Go on.'"

„Are you sure?" Louis asked and I quickly nodded.

Louis carefully pushed back in fully and I continued sucking him until his grip on my hair became tighter and I knew he was close.

„Fuck, do you want me to pull out or-"

He didn't had to finish because I was already eager continuing to suck him.

He cursed loudly, moaning my name when he came.

I swallowed everything and squezzed my eyes shut.

That was a lot of cum.

„So, so good, baby, I love you so so much, fuck." Louis panted, catching his breath quickly.

I smiled a bit, tired.

„I'm always good for you, daddy. I love making you feel good by making me feel good."

Lou nodded and placed a kiss on my forehead.

„My naughty cute little boy."

I looked at my boyfriend with a frown on my face.

„I'm not little. I'm already 17 years old, Lou."

„Okay, okay. My naughty cute big boy. Are you happy with that?"

I giggled, placing a kiss on Louis nose.

„Yeah, definetly."

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